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August 2008

Convention Clown

Democratic Convention Clown

If you watched the Democratic Convention coverage, like I did, you know there’s no point complaining about it. That’d be like going to the circus and saying, “This is a horrible place, absolutely infested with clowns.”

And then going back to the circus the next three days in a row. No sympathy for you, you twisted clown-lover!

So, skipping lightly over how grotesque these proceedings always were and still are, let’s get to the final score: How’d it go? Did the Democrats win?

August 29th, 2008 | Comments (1)

Russia's Luxury Car Trend: the Beluga Bus

They drove like people to whom the motorcar was new. They drove as they walked; and a stream of Tehran traffic, jumpy with individual stops and swerves, with no clear lanes, was like a jostling pavement crowd. —V.S. Naipaul Naipaul…

August 28th, 2008 | Comments Off on Russia’s Luxury Car Trend: the Beluga Bus

Convention Coverage: Rachel Maddow Goes Post-Idiotic

I just flew back to the U.S., just in time to watch the Democratic Convention’s opening night. I’m amazed by how Soviet my country has become, or always was. We love these hokey big ceremonies just as much as any…

August 25th, 2008 | Leave Comment

The Three Dumbest Neocon Predictions Since the Disaster in Iraq

Hezbollah explains ‘Arab Spring’ to residents of West Beirut Now that the Beijing games have wound up, we can get on to a sporting event with real significance: a Neocon Olympics to decide the most grossly wrong, stupid prediction by…

August 25th, 2008 | Comments (1)

Attempts to prove Barack Hussein Obama isn’t really an American citizen have gone about as well as the search for the footage featuring Michelle Obama excoriating “whitey.” Freethinking 100% Americanos like swift-boater Jerome R. Corsi and No Quarter’s Larry C….

August 22nd, 2008 | Comments (2)

Who Wants Ice Man?

Man discovered by apes When I think of the 1990s, it’s the Ice Man I remember. He was found in 1991, in an Austrian glacier melting from global warming. At first the authorities took him for a murder victim (it…

August 21st, 2008 | Comments (1)

Tyolka Tuesdays: Russia’s Wall Carpet Girls

We’ve been getting a lot of complaints lately. It seems many of our readers have been jonesing for their daily dyev fix ever since The eXile was taken offline by the Kremlin. Well, our policy at EXILED ONLINE is that…

August 17th, 2008 | Comments (2)