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December 2013


December 20th, 2013 | Comments (1)

December 19th, 2013 | Leave Comment

New War Nerd at Saudis, Syria & "Blowback"

December 19th, 2013 | Leave Comment

Anne Applebaum, Professional Mourner

The crimes of history are optional. We mix, match and discard according to taste and convenience. It’s useful for Applebaum’s Tory backers to remember Stalin’s crimes because they can still use them to bash anyone who might want to beef up the National Health system with higher taxes. “Today an extra 1% VAT on my Jag convertible, tomorrow Kolyma!” is a very familiar war cry from these crusaders for human rights.

December 19th, 2013 | Comments (12)

Ukraine: The Gogolean Bordello

But there is not any “final” thing in politics, least of all in Ukrainian politics, or Eastern European politics in general. The keys to understanding today’s political landscape in Ukraine can be found not in the European Enlightenment philosophy of the 18th century, or the Russian political discourse of “slavophiles” vs. “westernizers” of the 19th century. Instead, one should reach back to the genius of the Ukrainian soul revealed some 150 years ago by Nikolai Gogol.

December 14th, 2013 | Comments (7)

Donetsk Paper Fascists: Protest & Track Suits In Yanukovych's Hometown

Donetsk is a fascist city. I’m not using this term in the cheap way that it gets bandied around at a dinner table discussion between Republicans and Democrats. Donetsk actually is fascist. There is one party, people get beaten for opposition views, information is controlled, nationalist sentiment is enflamed with insane rhetoric about America/NATO plots to enslave Ukraine, and fear is the main motivating factor.

December 2nd, 2013 | Comments (7)