Posted on: November 21st, 2008 | Comments (13)

Six Apart, the company behind the popular TypePad blogging platform, just went Marie Antoinette on us all. With all the jobs being cut in the paper industry and increasing numbers of reporters stuck with nothing to do but moan, the…
Posted on: November 19th, 2008 | Comments (14)

Daniel Craig working on his stance. The ultimate proof that movies these days are rotten: Quantum of Solace is breaking records at the box office. It’s not the public’s fault; people want to see something move onscreen and they’ll take…
Posted on: November 17th, 2008 | Comments (7)
Posted on: November 16th, 2008 | Comments (11)

We all know in the backs of our minds that Barack Obama’s incredible victory will eventually be followed by disappointment. But does it have to come so soon, and hit so hard? The answer will be yes, if Lawrence Summers…
Posted on: November 11th, 2008 | Comments (9)

Last weekend, a Russian anarchist revolutionary art group called War pulled a fast one on Prime Minister Putin. Or at least they thought they did. Russian revolutionaries sure do fall far from the tree these days. On the night of…
Posted on: November 10th, 2008 | Comments (1)

The first polls had just closed when the Republican Right’s “Agony of Defeat” moment arrived. It was just after 8 p.m. — right as Fox’s “America’s Election HQ” show returned from a commercial break, and Brit Hume welcomed viewers back…
Posted on: November 8th, 2008 | Comments (7)