This article is cross-posted from In These Times.
Earlier this week, I got into a little Twitter battle with Matthew Yglesias after the prominent blogger tweeted out “”EXCLUSIVE: The activities of individual business executives have no relationship to the level of economy-wide employment.” (more…)
We were going to wait ’til the snow melted, but a recent spate of corrupt hack-shill attacks on Team eXiled has prompted us to decide to make an immediate launch of a new project: a no-holds barred campaign to identify…
This article by Yves Smith is cross-posted from Naked Capitalism. Washington DC appears to be readying itself for a repeat of the TARP, namely, the passage of unpopular legislation to appease the Market Gods (and transfer even more income from…
Update: MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan makes it official: Mark Ames & Yasha Levine “are the two journalists who broke the story about these brothers and the Tea Party in 2009 before anyone believed them.” Watch the episode here and here. It’s been…
I didn’t plan on posting anything today, but then I made the mistake of clicking open today’s piece by everyone’s favorite bearded-liberal, Paul Krugman, titled “You’re So Vain.” In just a few short paragraphs, Krugman unintentionally reveals why liberals are…
My article on Megan McArdle’s taxpayer-subsidized childhood, published in today’s Alternet, is kicking up an entertaining shitstorm. It’s Jiffy Pop time here in Harlem, I tell ya! I learned a lot of things so far, but by far the most…