Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
gavin mcinnes

Greg Gutfeld

Cross-posted from Media Matters

It is not insulting Fox News host Greg Gutfeld to say he doesn’t know much about the subjects he jokes and chats about for a living. He draws pleasure from saying so himself, over and over again, in a thousand repetitive ways.

Like the network he works for, Gutfeld’s shtick is premised on the loud embrace of a pugilistic, media-bubbled conservatism. Gutfeld considered the late Andrew Breitbart a close friend and inspiration, and indeed represents what might be called the Breitbartian wing of the Fox News spectrum: he revels in media war for its own sake, prefers pop culture to political history, and spends his time buried in a trough of Twitter feeds and feuds. His new book, The Joy of Hate, reads like an extended riff on the author’s admission to being just an oversexed, Internet-and-TV addicted former lad-mag editor, who not all that long ago was teaching “old people how to do sit-ups on cruise ships,” and whose idea of journalistic legwork is using the search box at (more…)

December 3rd, 2012 | Comments (68)

ANDREW BREITBART ATTACKS EXILED EDITOR MARK AMES!...Hires Failed Teabag Republican To Investigate The Great “Who Is Johnny Chen?” Conspiracy

Welp folks, I’m now a Made Man in the depraved and hilarious world of American Pop Culture–the only World that really matters in this country. Andrew Breitbart, the Brentwood-born West Hollywood princeling, has officially anointed me “Important Enough To Hate.”…

August 30th, 2011 | Comments (94)

Jim Goad and Gavin McInnes Beg Mark Ames: "Answer Me, Please?" Jim Goad's Mother Responds in an eXiled eXclusive

Hello Jim, it’s your mother here. I didn’t want to write this. And I apologize for sending this to The eXiled, but I didn’t know how else to reach you. Jimmy, please listen to me just this one time. Stop…

March 1st, 2011 | Comments (113)