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Meerkat: Heresy; Elephant Shrew: Orthodox

Daily Inquisition: The Animals

Statement of the Grand Inquisitor: A child believes in many creatures unworthy of its faith, like the Komodo Dragon, revealed on mature inspection to be a mere hypertrophied alligator lizard which kills with its Petri-dish saliva. At last the animist’s thwarted crush homes in on the first perky quasi-biped it can find on the Discovery Channel. Hence the Penguin Cult now in obscene fervor, and the overexposed Meekrat Cult. Those Kalahari sentry-weasels are the false deities of many a suburban brat.


September 19th, 2008 | Comments Off on Daily Inquisition: The Animals

Iraq Police Academy 6: Doin’ The Mosul Shuffle! FRESNO, CA — OK, we’ve just gone through a really exciting time in world military moves, so let’s test your strategic IQ. What’s the relation between these three recent developments: 1. On…

May 15th, 2008 | Leave Comment