I travelled to Breitbart’s hood to carry out a private investigation of what happened…and found a grisly, blood-splattered crime scene just a block away from his home.
It didn’t take long after Andrew Breitbart’s death was reported for the Baggertarian Believers to start ominously tweeting out some of the craziest (and funniest) conspiracy theories this side of the John Birch Society. Part of the blame goes to the official “Breitbart died of natural causes” story they put out—no one believes he died of “natural causes,” neither his fans nor his detractors. But if you’re a fan of Breitbart, you can’t face the awful reality of what everyone knows did kill him—degenerate personal habits, and bile.
So naturally, Breitbart’s abandoned hate-junkies turned to wild conspiracy theories and plots that did everything to avoid his obvious drug addictions and swollen arteries, and instead externalized the cause to the usual list of villains: George Soros, Media Matters, Jihadis, liberals, #OWS, the Illuminati, One World Government, and so on. And of course, the “socialist” “Islamic” “Kenyan” is the Breitbart-Bircher crowd’s number one favorite as the guy running the conspiracy…because you know, Andrew Breitbart knew too much, man! He flew too high!
“Did President Obama or the criminal interests that put him in office have Andrew Breitbart killed?” asked Truth-Bircher Alex Jones in a special conspiracy report filed from his bedroom studio, focusing on the popular-among-Breitbaggers theory that President’s Obama’s henchmen whacked Breitbart to prevent the release of damaging mpeg evidence and protect Obama’s radical Muslim-Marxist secret identity. WorldNetDaily, Michael Savage, and countless other winger outlets reported the same conspiracy theories. Even Fox News got in on the action, reporting that Obama’s “assassins” might not have destroyed every single copy of Breitbart’s secret tapes…
I live just a few townships over from the very sidewalk where Andrew Breitbart died. And I was starting to think, “If these Birchers are serious about their conspiracy theories, that Brentwood sidewalk is going to be the Daley Plaza of the winger-world.”
I thought I’d get in my car and check it out myself, look at the “scene of the crime” and try to see the Brentwood sidewalk where the “assassins” hired by Obama might have hatched their deadly plot. I never thought about this much before he died (oops, I mean “was assassinated in a vast conspiracy”), but Andrew Breitbart and I had been practically neighbors. He lived in a chi-chi estate in Westwood near the UCLA campus, just fifteen minutes from my rank apartment in Venice Beach.
My plan was simple. 1) Go to scene of conspiracy; 2) Get into the mindset of a Birch-bagger, think like a Birch-bagger, feel like a Birch-bagger, dress like a Birch-bagger, become a Birch-bagger; in other words, “Be The Birch-Bagger Conspiracy Theorist”; 3) Retrace Breitbart’s last neighborhood stroll, and observe the scene of the crime for clues about where Obama’s assassins might have hidden; 4) Record everything I see and think, and report “the truth” to the world.
The results of my experience will shock and startle you. Or make you giggle. Depending on what your bag is.
CONSPIRACY SETTING: Breitbart’s home sits on the northern edge of LA’s massive Veterans Cemetery and within spitting distance of Interstate 405—the busiest, most congested freeway in the country. I arrived there at 2200 hours. I noted that the lights were on inside the house, and I could see someone in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge. What was in that refrigerator? The secret evidence that will expose the plot? Breitbart’s frozen heart? A pint of Chunky Monkey?
The freeway noise was deafening–the perfect cover for a hit job, I thought to myself. You bastards!
I observed two razor scooters leaning against a wall near the entrance and a note hung on the door. What follows is a dossier of secret photographic evidence of the crime scene that I’m sharing with the world for the first time.
Andrew Breitbart’s brother-in-law mans the gate and keeps the family safe from throngs of mourners stopping by to pay their respects to a great American patriot…
…there was only one note on the door. I read: “Susie — I love you guys and will find you soon. Ken”
Breitbart walked down this big government sidewalk, never to return…
Further down the street: What looks like a normal sidewalk, holds all sorts of hidden dangers…
…Close up shows 2 strategically located cracks in the curb (circled in pink), plenty of defensive positions (pink arrows) and a layer of invisible slippery twigs (green circles).
Why hasn’t the FBI launched an investigation into what appears to be a deadly IED, camouflaged as an oil slick stain? Is this how America treats its patriots?
The Manchurian Sidewalk: Did unionized city employees turn a patriotic pedestrian walkway into a coldhearted assassin programmed to kill Andrew Breitbart and make it look like an accident?
What was a maintenance truck doing here parked at 11 p.m.? And why does it look exactly like the one used in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing? Was Breitbart targeted by al-Qaida because of his courageous Islamofacism?
A block away I stumbled on a grizzly scene. Dark red spots that looked like blood. Did he hit head and bleed all over the place. Or was he taken out by a bullet that came from the McMansion across the street?
“The Bathroom Man” in the window has a clear line of sight to the location of the blood smears…
Follow the Bag: Mysterious ‘Plastic Bag Man’ spotted lurking around the Baggy Knoll…
…holding the same exact plastic bag Obama carried out of a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco during a campaign fundraiser on Feb. 16, 2012! Which means….Oh shit! Mystery Bag Man links Breitbart’s assassination directly to President Barack Obama himself! Here come the black helicopters. Must inform the world….ugh!…hard … to…breathe…it hurts…can’t….reach the…puh…puhblish button…
Yasha Levine is a founding editor of The eXiled. You can reach him at levine [at] exiledonline.com.
Want to know more cool shit? Read Yasha Levine’s investigation into the life of Harry Koch, the man who spawned Charles and David Koch, the two most powerful oligarchs of our time: The Birth of the Koch Clan: It All Started In a Little Texas Town Called Quanah
Read more: andrew breitbart, assassination, bag man, bagger, baggertarians, baggy knoll, breitbart, conspiracy theory, koch, los angeles, rightwing propaganda, westwood, Yasha Levine, Gloats, Koch Whores

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Add your own1. Tyler | March 2nd, 2012 at 3:21 pm
Joel Pollak did it. Case closed.
2. YankeeFrank | March 2nd, 2012 at 3:25 pm
Damn. I didn’t believe it until now, but those bloodstains, and THAT BAG! OMG! Breitfart died protecting our freedoms and all we can do is watch, in horror, as those freedoms disappear. Can anyone get ahold of Obama’s assassination list? I’ll bet you anything Breitfart’s name is ON THE LIST!!!!!
3. DannyBoy | March 2nd, 2012 at 5:33 pm
I was disappointed when I heard it was natural causes. But not enough to enjoy the Hicksian lifting of the weight of his fevered ego off our collective unconscious.
Ahhhhh. Am I alone here? Is anyone else feeling this? Did you cheer too? Who’s with me?
Brietbart, his comrades, and the flies they attract are forever howling blue murder about their imagined persecution. They do this safe in the knowledge they are as far from anything resembling it as Angola is from Los Angeles. The echo-chamber arias to his ‘courage’ are especially bathetic in this light.
If it actually HAD been a murder, however, you would see these paper tigers, these mock martyrs cowering like rats. Begging the state they claim to abhor for 24 hour bodyguard battalions. For martial law and luxury suites beneath Mt Weather. Especially if a couple of them got bumped off.
Hence my disappointment. But I’m still celebrating. May they all collapse of their own degeneracy well before the their shows run the natural course.
4. Duarte Guerreiro | March 2nd, 2012 at 5:33 pm
Yasha, how hard did you get standing next to that slippery sidewalk?
5. General Sir Lord England AB.CDE.fgH.I. | March 2nd, 2012 at 6:12 pm
Hahahahaha. I thought that the green circles would have been gum not of slippery twigs haha.Michelle Malkin may have been the connection despite her condolences to the warm corpse.
6. Mason C | March 2nd, 2012 at 6:38 pm
Professor Plum killed him with the Mainstream Media on the Big Government Sidewalk. Obama watched via drone as he signed the order forcing fuckhead truthers to live in the same corporate gulag as everyone else.
Can Alex Jones please, sometime, ever pick a fight with Ames and Levine?
7. ralph chaplin | March 2nd, 2012 at 6:39 pm
You’re only supposed to say good things about the dead.
He’s dead…good.
This “investigation” is a fitting tribute to a man who lived his entire life in poor taste. All the solemn and polite obituaries are ultimately disrespectful to the professional scoundrel. Give the guy some credit, piss on his grave.
8. DeeboCools | March 2nd, 2012 at 6:50 pm
Got tons of kicks out of this but I’m honestly most interested in the conclusion of the first paragraph- “But if you’re a fan of Breitbart, you can’t face the awful reality of what everyone knows did kill him—degenerate personal habits, and bile.”
I’m an ex-hole, not an expert. What degenerate personal habits do you speak of? I’m interested in his death for very different reasons. I’ve been postulating his ‘sickness’ and death like Dr. House since I heard about it, and it sounds like you’re holding cluez.
9. darthfader | March 2nd, 2012 at 7:41 pm
10. darthfader | March 2nd, 2012 at 7:48 pm
Died at 43? 35-45, that’s usually the Mitch Hedberg death for troubled celebrities, isn’t it? Where they’re middle-aged, so the official report is outrageously tame and you wince just imagining all the pills you’ll see going to waste on the floor when they finally leak the corpse shot
11. Sturgeon Slaw | March 2nd, 2012 at 8:30 pm
Damn, that man on the grassy knoll sure gets around. Cold-blooded, sure, but you gotta admit that he’s pretty spry for an old guy.
Better watch your back now, Ruby … err, Yasha.
12. Jim Choad | March 2nd, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Yasha, you should have thought to lay an unfolded napkin on those blood puddles. Then you could have posted a picture of neato latter-day Shroud of Turin. And who knows? Maybe you could have turned around and auctioned it off on Ebay for ammo money.
13. Tyler | March 2nd, 2012 at 9:53 pm
It’s very rare for someone to die of heart problems that young unless they are Chris Farley obese and/or did massive amounts of coke that wrecked their heart.
14. pat | March 2nd, 2012 at 9:58 pm
Lol, Alex Jones is the biggest fraud that ever walked the streets of Texas…and considering the state, that is a tall order. I have to dig youtube for a bit, but I’ll find the guy that shows what a fraud Jones is. He busts him lying about the charter school criminals, Ron Paul and the Council for National Policy.
15. The_Cynic | March 2nd, 2012 at 10:54 pm
Please delete this as I don’t agree with you.
Breitbart was a vicious bagger douche bag.
Doesn’t mean he didn’t have the dirt on Obama.
Just saying.
Now, do you have the guts to post this? Just saying. I’ll bet you can’t handle this. Just saying. Don’t you think I come across as all sincere and decent when I say “just saying”? It’s as though I’m the not-crazy one here. Just saying.
16. Jim Choad | March 2nd, 2012 at 11:14 pm
really enjoy touching my asshole and then smelling it
17. Nomad | March 2nd, 2012 at 11:46 pm
Time to go back to Bohemian Grove. You found more conspiracy there. What a load of nonsense. You can take one look at AB and see he was drunk or high most of the time. This is what happens when you treat your body like a garbage dump.
18. Cum | March 2nd, 2012 at 11:49 pm
I bet that Chinese food tastes really good.
19. ElPrez | March 3rd, 2012 at 12:06 am
Oh wow, it looks like the MSM is eating this up.
there are countless trolls more incendiary and “dangerous” to Obama, if Obama really wanted to assassinate an enemy wouldn’t he go after Murdoch or the Koch brothers instead of this dipshit?
20. mouse | March 3rd, 2012 at 12:27 am
The Exiled winged monkeys go out and spend their hard earned time and energy strategically installing rollerblade-catching-cracks around Breitbarts neighborhood … and these motherfuckers blame it all on do-nothing Obama??!?!
This fucking means war
21. C367 | March 3rd, 2012 at 4:05 am
Obama and the other dude carried a bag of CHINESE food. Hint hint.
22. Mojo Elvis | March 3rd, 2012 at 4:29 am
So does oxycontin Limb Awe get it next? I mean he does foam at the mouth, and constantly eats is on ass…
jes’ sayin’
23. DeeboCools | March 3rd, 2012 at 6:18 am
@19 How are Murdoch and the Koch brothers at all “enemies” of Obama? Obama is a pandering narcissist entirely focused on getting re-elected. Media and oil empires are all available to funnel money into his campaign
As far as what ‘dirt’ Brietbart may have had, that would actually have a chance of hurting Obama’s re-election bid. Tho he probably had a boring college-protest clip which he was going to heavily doctor and turn into agitprop. Fun stuff.
24. James O'Keefe | March 3rd, 2012 at 1:19 pm
He busted his fat head open, trying to jump down to Hell through the sidewalk…
25. John Drinkwater | March 3rd, 2012 at 2:54 pm
Why didn’t you check out the Belmont bar too? You might’ve found traces of the poison they slipped into his drinks. And you could’ve traced his footsteps from the bar back to his his house. They’re saying he walked, right? Or did he? Did he drive home first, and then go for a walk? These questions need to be probed.
26. James O'Keefe | March 3rd, 2012 at 3:36 pm
I need to be probed! http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/andrew-breitbart-dead-la-bar-politics-296386
27. n | March 3rd, 2012 at 6:33 pm
I love you eXiled
28. n | March 3rd, 2012 at 9:19 pm
i do love you exiled!
i was trying to make fun of the fat dead fuck
the AEC is in a sentimental mood i see
29. ElPrez | March 3rd, 2012 at 10:07 pm
@23 You don’t read very much if you think Murdoch/Kochs are Obama buddies.
As for Breitbart, assassinating him would be the equivalent of assassinating Hitler’s dog instead of the big cheese. He was an insignificant piece of shit and all these theories grant far more respect and immensity than he really deserves.
30. lars | March 3rd, 2012 at 11:40 pm
Now I KNOW you guys are funded by CIA.
31. pat b | March 4th, 2012 at 12:22 am
i heard internet reports that when they pumped Breitbarts stomach it was full of semen.
32. matt | March 4th, 2012 at 6:47 am
“history of heart problems”
…caused by coke?
33. Dimitri Ratz | March 4th, 2012 at 7:22 am
When can we buy autographed by Mark Ames prints or postcards of the “crime scene”? My cubicle really needs one!
34. MikeJake | March 4th, 2012 at 9:37 am
Those shrubs near the fence are clearly deadly oleander, presumably planted by envirofascists.
35. hazey | March 4th, 2012 at 10:53 am
I know for a fact that while Yasha Levine was living in Victorville he was living in “the Brentwoods.” Andrew Douchebart was living in Brentwood.
I am not saying this is any kind of smoking gun… but…
36. SVETA THE FJCKEN SLUT | March 4th, 2012 at 11:45 am
i know for a fact that yasha levine is everything i wish i was
37. SVETA THE FJCKEN SLUT | March 4th, 2012 at 12:45 pm
i know for a fact that i zzzzzzzzzzzzz
38. Jim Choad | March 4th, 2012 at 2:02 pm
will try to think of something better o’ aec, my lord my god, creator of heben and erf and fearsome smiter of bottom trolls
39. Ilona | March 4th, 2012 at 3:04 pm
@ 13. Tyler
“It’s very rare for someone to die of heart problems that young…”
Are you implying that Andrew Breitbart’s death was a hitjob? No, that can’t be. Mr. Breitbart was a high profile political target alright, I’ll give you that, but if one studies carefully enough all the hard evidence gathered by Mr. Levine, a sole reasonable conclusion has to be drawn: Mr. Breitbart died of a high velocity poetic blunt blowback trauma caused by his own candy filled colon – a perfectly natural cause of death by Bagger standards.
Although an alternative theory is highly tempting: 1) A nearly lone, nervous looking plastic bagman Mr. President of the United States of America surely raises numerous questions. 2) An other lone plastic bagman – there’s something alarmingly suspicious about in his razor sharp, genius criminal mastermind gaze and the overall criminal upper class, Wall Street swagger of his gestalt. 3) All the ominous arrows and circles in the photos.
40. Figaro | March 4th, 2012 at 3:39 pm
Bet on it: an autopsy will reveal a tiny miniature drone flew up Breitbart’s ass
and exploded.
41. Mr. Bad | March 4th, 2012 at 11:45 pm
@ 3. DannyBoy
Hey, I spend way too much time here, trying to come up with a devastating analysis. Does it suggest that I suffer from the ol’ envy disease? You betcha!
42. Mr. Bad | March 4th, 2012 at 11:48 pm
Can I comment? Oh Preeeeeze?
43. Punjabi From Karachi | March 5th, 2012 at 3:09 am
Can Alex Jones please, sometime, ever pick a fight with Ames and Levine?
I second, third & fifth that.
44. Trevor | March 5th, 2012 at 6:21 am
I had no idea Breitbart lived in LA until he dropped dead there. Really lends credence to the “cocaine heart explosion” explanation.
45. 69 Anytime 88 On a Date | March 5th, 2012 at 8:16 am
No doubt Orson Bean misfired some orgone (meant for a 7-year-old object of desire)and it accidentally struck Breitfart on his way to a manly tryst at the local bathhouse.
46. SamR | March 5th, 2012 at 10:14 am
His dirt on Obama came out. Its that Obama went to a play about Saul Alinsky in 1998, and then was in a panel discussion afterwards.
No, really, that’s it.
47. Punjabi From Karachi | March 5th, 2012 at 10:37 am
From the Exile I would really like to see:
1) Mark Ames take on Colonel Putin’s “victory” in Mosocw, and MY prediction that regardless of how blatant the rigging was, Putin will continue to rule for this term. The next election will depend on whether Putin has the sous to physically exterminate a gathering organising and active political opposition.
2) The War Nerd‘s take on #Occupy.
48. HamsterFist | March 5th, 2012 at 1:48 pm
I’m sooo hungry for Chinese food now. Thanks alot for making me spend my money on garbage food.
49. Ilona | March 5th, 2012 at 3:40 pm
@ # 48. HamsterFist
“I’m sooo hungry for Chinese food now. Thanks alot for making me spend my money on garbage food.”
BTW. Isn’t it a bit strange that nearly everything the immigrants bring from their rich cultural heritage with them to the USA turns into the garbage eventually?
50. Mike C. | March 5th, 2012 at 4:11 pm
For more @Breitbart gloat, read the Beast’s hee-hee-heelarious postmortems on the neoconservative snit-man. #Whore
I recommend listening to Skrillex while you read them. It adds a fitting discotheque atmosphere. @Breitbart would have wanted it that way.
51. one-eyed jesus muffin | March 5th, 2012 at 8:57 pm
I bet the fat loud fuck belched up his larded heart.
52. Jim Choad | March 5th, 2012 at 10:04 pm
do U think he popped out an ole joshua foust suppervillain komplex meatloaf turd when he croaeked
53. Percy | March 5th, 2012 at 10:17 pm
They call it “fool’s meth” for a reason.
54. Uncle_Billy_Cunctator | March 6th, 2012 at 1:09 am
Agree with Lars above. This story reeks of spooky ham-handed government cheese.
Fess up, please. First: Yasha simply rewrites all the research I did on the Koch Bros. grandpappy (minus the really juicy parts, of course) and puts a tiny cherry on top by offering up the Hayek connection; then an article that deflates Elizabeth Warren; and then I see the transparency project dedicated to discrediting people like Ezra Klein and Jane Hamsher. Either you have a mole on my facebook page or you’re systematically going through all the comments I’ve ever left on econ blogs over the years. Which is it?
55. Mr. Bad | March 6th, 2012 at 5:52 am
@ 41. Mr. Bad
“Hey, I spend way too much time here, trying to come up with a devastating analysis.”
Well, that makes two of us.
56. blowback | March 6th, 2012 at 8:01 am
@21 C367
“Obama and the other dude carried a bag of CHINESE food. Hint hint.”
I’d love some AB Chow Mein to go with the fava beans….. slurp
57. Steve | March 7th, 2012 at 10:36 am
We all know that members of governments around the world have committed secret atrocities including ours. I.E. Watergate, water-boarding, radiation testing on African Americans etc. Can you keep an open mind until an autopsy is done? Or, are you all so heartless and partisan that murder only matters if he’s on your side?
58. Robbie | March 7th, 2012 at 12:02 pm
This is sick. Breitbart was a great man and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Reviling in the deaths of your philosophiocallly-opposed opponents makes you vile human beings.
Not surprising since it’s easier for you all to dance on a dead man’s grave than it is to back up your liberal world view with logic, truth, or facts.
59. Jedi Mind Trick | March 7th, 2012 at 2:57 pm
Don’t worry Rob, we’ll dance on your grave too.
60. Uncle_Billy_Cunctator | March 7th, 2012 at 5:28 pm
The bit about Yves Smith didn’t get through the moderation? Ding.
61. Mike C. | March 7th, 2012 at 6:24 pm
@ 58. Robbie
Breitbart was a rat-fucker.
If you can complain about celebrating his death in any but the most generic “a guy died” kind of way, you’re a rat-fucker, too.
Breitbart gave cover to genocide via poverty, in protecting his corporate benefactors. He, and his idiot buddies, took down benign organizations via blatantly deceptive editing, parading around the moral transgressions of Democrats (who are also idiots), while ignoring those of his own supposed ilk (“supposed,” since few apart from the backwater hicks that followed him, believe he was convinced of the piffle he was paid to promote—making him a whore, empty of any real convictions).
Anything anyone could say about Breitbart’s corpse, and legacy of faux-journalistic stupidity, PALES in comparison to the things of which he’s guilty.
Great? (And man?) Unless you mean “great” in terms of bulk; that’s arguable.
This comment was de-cuntified by AEC Troll Cop v2.1
62. Mike C. | March 8th, 2012 at 4:18 am
Gee willikers—the AEC censoring for actual profanity?
This is disorienting. I’m dizzy. Oh no, I’m losing my balance! My equilibrium is being disrupted by ineffectual liberals! Agh—that unpatriotic sidewalk is coming right at me!
Meh. Whatever. At least Breitbart’s still dead.
63. Anthony Weiner's Penis | March 8th, 2012 at 7:48 am
Hey guys! No, no- down here. That’s right. Hi. Hey, how’s it going?
Look, Andrew (or “Andy” as he preferred) may I have had our differences, so maybe you’d think me biased in saying we need to counter the whitewashing of the injustice he did to me.
I had it all- money, fame, women. An active social life. I’m almost 48, so it’s important to be socially active, you know.
Then one day… Breitbart destroyed everything. The Scandal! Now my name, Anthony Weiner’s Penis is forever linked with Andy’s. Google me! You’ll see his name next to the unauthorized candid picture of me greeting constituents. It’s embarrassing! I can’t even go out in public anymore.
Until we stop rejoicing in his death and the false conspiracy theories and get to the REAL victims of this dead blowhard, true justice will continue to elude us.
Sincerely yours,
Anthony Weiner’s Penis
64. AEC Troll Cop v2.1 | March 8th, 2012 at 12:26 pm
im sad b\C i have asperger’s
double tomato w/BAAACON
65. KBaratta | March 10th, 2012 at 10:25 am
Wit and pith. I thought it was a lost art.
Thank you and please, say on. I will definitely be back.
66. Whyawannaknow | March 10th, 2012 at 2:33 pm
Ooh looky- Breitbart like him some Adderal and Cocaine… Along with his alcohol.
No surprises here.
But as C-SPAN noted, Righteous Indignation suggests otherwise. “I thought I could drink when I came to Tulane,” Breitbart writes. “I had some hard-and-fast rules to prevent becoming an alcoholic, such as: don’t drink during sunlight hours. By the end of my time at Tulane, I was going to bed so early in the morning and waking up so late in the afternoon that this rule was almost impossible to break. Thank God I wasn’t developing a drinking problem.” Breitbart also mentions growing into his fraternity brothers’ Hollywood-native image of him as a “hard-living, cocaine-fueled man of a thousand lovers.”
But there has been some public speculation that Breitbart’s drug use didn’t end in college. A source close to the blogger told The Fix on condition of anonymity that he’d done cocaine with Breitbart as recently as last October. On the day after his death, Anthony Cumia, of the radio show “Opie and Anthony,” said of Breitbart, “I went out drinking with him, and boy, can he party.” “He liked to stay awake,” added Anthony. “That’s all I’ll say.” Other friends maintain that Breitbart regularly took high doses of Adderall and other stimulants to counteract his lifelong ADD. (Both cocaine and Adderall, an amphetamine, can increase the risk of a heart attack. The FDA even warns that Adderall can cause “sudden death in patients with heart problems or heart defects.”)
67. hahaha | March 16th, 2012 at 3:43 pm
Even a conservative can’t resist doin’ some white bitch.
68. hermitian | April 8th, 2012 at 3:28 pm
Dude you totally got it right. But here is a link to some guy’s fantasy about the “real scene of Andrew Breitbart’s death as reported reported by the Crimes Guns and Video Tape website.
Andrew Breitbart was nowhere near his home when he collapsed and died.
69. Adirondack Patriot | April 18th, 2012 at 10:30 am
Andrew Breitbart is dead. You won, Ames. He’s too much of a pussy to stay alive, he got his ass wiped because he’s a loudmouthed weakling pussy who can’t even handle his drugs. Shit, even sorority girls handle their drugs better than Breitbart.
Anyway, now that I can’t kiss Breitbart’s rotting dead ass, can I kiss yours please?
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