Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
Yasha Levine
Fact-checking the Tor Project's government ties

Fact-checking the Tor Project’s government ties

March 7, 2018
Buy Yasha Levine's Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet

Buy Yasha Levine’s Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet

March 5, 2018
Tor military contractors try to shut down Yasha Levine's reporting

Tor military contractors try to shut down Yasha Levine’s reporting

December 27, 2015
Pulling the Trigger: School Privatization in California's Subprime Suburbs

Pulling the Trigger: School Privatization in California’s Subprime Suburbs

December 5, 2015
From the Archives: Pentagon's 1969 Quadruped Hotrod

From the Archives: Pentagon’s 1969 Quadruped Hotrod

November 9, 2015
Support Yasha Levine's book: "Surveillance Valley: The Rise of the Google-Military Complex"

Support Yasha Levine’s book: “Surveillance Valley: The Rise of the Google-Military Complex”

February 23, 2015
TSA and Pigs: How the left and right united to turn TSA agents into public enemy number one

TSA and Pigs: How the left and right united to turn TSA agents into public enemy number one

November 5, 2013
Book Review: Malcolm Gladwell Asks Us To Pity the Rich

Book Review: Malcolm Gladwell Asks Us To Pity the Rich

October 26, 2013
BuzzBagger Ben

BuzzBagger Ben

May 15, 2013
NPR’s Education Coverage Funded By Pro-Privatization Billionaires

NPR’s Education Coverage Funded By Pro-Privatization Billionaires

April 24, 2013
Back to Victorville: Dispatch Zero

Back to Victorville: Dispatch Zero

January 9, 2013
Journalism As Criminal Vagrancy: City Of LA Finally Charges Me For Reporting On LAPD's Occupy LA Raid

Journalism As Criminal Vagrancy: City Of LA Finally Charges Me For Reporting On LAPD’s Occupy LA Raid

November 28, 2012
Letter from Los Angeles: Election Night Yeast Infection Nightmares

Letter from Los Angeles: Election Night Yeast Infection Nightmares

November 9, 2012
Election Watch: Libertarian Party VP James Gray & the Libertarian Pothead Conspiracy (Or: Don't Be a Sucker)

Election Watch: Libertarian Party VP James Gray & the Libertarian Pothead Conspiracy (Or: Don’t Be a Sucker)

November 3, 2012
The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg Was a Follower of Jewish Rightwing Terrorist Meir Kahane

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg Was a Follower of Jewish Rightwing Terrorist Meir Kahane

October 28, 2012
Recovered History: How Wall Street-Funded Self Help Propaganda Greased the Real Estate Bubble

Recovered History: How Wall Street-Funded Self Help Propaganda Greased the Real Estate Bubble

October 19, 2012
The Nobel Prize in Economics? There Is No Nobel Prize in Economics

The Nobel Prize in Economics? There Is No Nobel Prize in Economics

October 12, 2012
Megan McArdle’s Fake Full Disclosures: What the Daily Beast Correspondent Doesn’t Want You To Know About Her Koch Work

Megan McArdle’s Fake Full Disclosures: What the Daily Beast Correspondent Doesn’t Want You To Know About Her Koch Work

October 1, 2012
Barry Ritholtz Calls S.H.A.M.E.'s Expose of Megan McArdle "One of the Most Brutal Takedowns I Have Ever Seen" and "Absolutely Must Read Material"

Barry Ritholtz Calls S.H.A.M.E.’s Expose of Megan McArdle “One of the Most Brutal Takedowns I Have Ever Seen” and “Absolutely Must Read Material”

September 24, 2012
Freakonomics Author Steven Levitt: Enemy of Chicago School Teachers

Freakonomics Author Steven Levitt: Enemy of Chicago School Teachers

September 12, 2012
Journalists at the RNC Either Suck Up To Power, Or Risk Attack…

Journalists at the RNC Either Suck Up To Power, Or Risk Attack…

September 7, 2012
Media Bum Fights: Iraq War Liar Jeffrey Goldberg Accuses Iraq War Cheerleader Fareed Zakaria of Plagiarizing Him, Too...

Media Bum Fights: Iraq War Liar Jeffrey Goldberg Accuses Iraq War Cheerleader Fareed Zakaria of Plagiarizing Him, Too…

August 21, 2012
SHAME BLOG: TIME & CNN Restore Fareed Zakaria’s Most Favored Corporate Lackey Status

SHAME BLOG: TIME & CNN Restore Fareed Zakaria’s Most Favored Corporate Lackey Status

August 17, 2012
The HuffPo Business Model: Deliberately Obliterating the Separation Between Paid Advertising and Real Reporting

The HuffPo Business Model: Deliberately Obliterating the Separation Between Paid Advertising and Real Reporting

July 20, 2012
Mutual Hack-Scratching: Malcolm Gladwell and Jeffrey Goldberg

Mutual Hack-Scratching: Malcolm Gladwell and Jeffrey Goldberg

July 13, 2012
S.H.A.M.E. REPORT: Malcolm Gladwell Contacts S.H.A.M.E., Asks Yasha Levine to Recognize "Delicious Irony" of His Pro-Tobacco Propaganda...

S.H.A.M.E. REPORT: Malcolm Gladwell Contacts S.H.A.M.E., Asks Yasha Levine to Recognize “Delicious Irony” of His Pro-Tobacco Propaganda…

June 24, 2012
S.H.A.M.E. Profile: Freakonomics Author Steven Levitt Is An Anti-Labor, Pro-Prison Milton Friedman Extremist

S.H.A.M.E. Profile: Freakonomics Author Steven Levitt Is An Anti-Labor, Pro-Prison Milton Friedman Extremist

June 8, 2012
Malcolm Gladwell Unmasked: A Look Into the Life & Work of America’s Most Successful Propagandist

Malcolm Gladwell Unmasked: A Look Into the Life & Work of America’s Most Successful Propagandist

June 6, 2012
Sponge Off A Rich Woman: The Koch Family's "Leechertarian" Secret To Success

Sponge Off A Rich Woman: The Koch Family’s “Leechertarian” Secret To Success

April 18, 2012
Scabies: My Parting Gift from Los Angeles' Metro Jail

Scabies: My Parting Gift from Los Angeles’ Metro Jail

April 13, 2012
Recovered Economic History: "Everyone but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor, or they will never be industrious"

Recovered Economic History: “Everyone but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor, or they will never be industrious”

April 5, 2012
S.H.A.M.E. the Shills: Our Media Transparency Project Is Almost Ready...

S.H.A.M.E. the Shills: Our Media Transparency Project Is Almost Ready…

March 26, 2012
The Breitbart Conspiracy: Yasha Levine Goes To Westwood To Investigate Breitbaggers' Claims Of White House Assassination Plot

The Breitbart Conspiracy: Yasha Levine Goes To Westwood To Investigate Breitbaggers’ Claims Of White House Assassination Plot

March 2, 2012
Is A Politically Ambitious New York Lawyer Trying To Turn #OWS Into The Tea Party Express?

Is A Politically Ambitious New York Lawyer Trying To Turn #OWS Into The Tea Party Express?

February 28, 2012
The Occupy Super PAC Non-Story: How Lazy Hacks Helped Breitbart Smear the Occupy Movement

The Occupy Super PAC Non-Story: How Lazy Hacks Helped Breitbart Smear the Occupy Movement

February 22, 2012
From the Archives: Boomer Reactionaries in Subprime Suburb of Victorville, Calif., Rage Against Giving Healthcare To Their Kids And GrandKids...

From the Archives: Boomer Reactionaries in Subprime Suburb of Victorville, Calif., Rage Against Giving Healthcare To Their Kids And GrandKids…

February 7, 2012
The War At Home: Amazing video from this weekend's police attack on Occupy Oakland

The War At Home: Amazing video from this weekend’s police attack on Occupy Oakland

February 1, 2012
More Great Moments In Libertarian History: Ancient Sumerian Word For "Libertarian" Was "Deadbeat", "Freeloader" (Updated!)

More Great Moments In Libertarian History: Ancient Sumerian Word For “Libertarian” Was “Deadbeat”, “Freeloader” (Updated!)

January 24, 2012
My First "Occupy LA" Arraignment Hearing: Los Angeles Stalls Legal Action Against Arrested Occupy LA Protesters...(Updated)

My First “Occupy LA” Arraignment Hearing: Los Angeles Stalls Legal Action Against Arrested Occupy LA Protesters…(Updated)

January 10, 2012
War On OWS: Berkeley Police Threaten To Shoot Protesters With Same Deadly Tear Gas Grenade Launcher Used Against Palestinian Protesters...

War On OWS: Berkeley Police Threaten To Shoot Protesters With Same Deadly Tear Gas Grenade Launcher Used Against Palestinian Protesters…

December 26, 2011
NYPD Continues to Harass, Arrest Video Streamers & Journalists Covering the Occupy Movement

NYPD Continues to Harass, Arrest Video Streamers & Journalists Covering the Occupy Movement

December 22, 2011
Tracking the Domestic War on Press Freedom: List of Journalists Arrested Covering the Occupy Movement

Tracking the Domestic War on Press Freedom: List of Journalists Arrested Covering the Occupy Movement

December 21, 2011
Hanging With A "Family Guy" Writer In Jail...And Realizing That The Raid On Occupy LA Was Meant To Keep Other Family Guys From Joining The Movement...

Hanging With A “Family Guy” Writer In Jail…And Realizing That The Raid On Occupy LA Was Meant To Keep Other Family Guys From Joining The Movement…

December 13, 2011
This Is What Injustice Looks Like: Accused Serial Child Rapist Jerry Sandusky Walks Free Without Paying Bail...While Peaceful Occupy LA Protesters Forced To Post $5,000 to $10,000...

This Is What Injustice Looks Like: Accused Serial Child Rapist Jerry Sandusky Walks Free Without Paying Bail…While Peaceful Occupy LA Protesters Forced To Post $5,000 to $10,000…

December 6, 2011
Occupy LA Arrest Scandal Update: A Visit to the Raided Camp, Freed Protesters Speak and Bad News About Our Legal Situation...

Occupy LA Arrest Scandal Update: A Visit to the Raided Camp, Freed Protesters Speak and Bad News About Our Legal Situation…

December 4, 2011
Yasha Levine Released From Jail, Exposes LAPD's Appalling Treatment of Detained Occupy LA Protesters...

Yasha Levine Released From Jail, Exposes LAPD’s Appalling Treatment of Detained Occupy LA Protesters…

December 2, 2011
Provocateur Porn: How Many Spooks Does It Take To Infiltrate A Protest Movement?

Provocateur Porn: How Many Spooks Does It Take To Infiltrate A Protest Movement?

November 29, 2011
Malcolm Gladwell, Paid Booster for Bank of America... A Step Up From His Big Tobacco Shilling?

Malcolm Gladwell, Paid Booster for Bank of America… A Step Up From His Big Tobacco Shilling?

November 16, 2011
The Birth of the Koch Clan: It All Started In a Little Texas Town Called Quanah

The Birth of the Koch Clan: It All Started In a Little Texas Town Called Quanah

November 7, 2011
Rightwing Blogger Runs To Police, Informs On #OccupyDC Protesters...

Rightwing Blogger Runs To Police, Informs On #OccupyDC Protesters…

November 7, 2011
Want to Watch 107 Minutes of Wall St. Propaganda? Then Go See "Margin Call"

Want to Watch 107 Minutes of Wall St. Propaganda? Then Go See “Margin Call”

November 3, 2011
Water Wars: Gov. Jerry Brown's Pet Public-to-Private Wealth Transfer Project Is A Go

Water Wars: Gov. Jerry Brown’s Pet Public-to-Private Wealth Transfer Project Is A Go

October 25, 2011
Wikileaks Expose: Kochs, Neocons and Covert Regime Change Ops

Wikileaks Expose: Kochs, Neocons and Covert Regime Change Ops

October 17, 2011
iSucker: Big Brother Internet Culture

iSucker: Big Brother Internet Culture

September 26, 2011
Leaked Oil Documents Confirm: America Is Being Skullfucked By Oil Speculators...

Leaked Oil Documents Confirm: America Is Being Skullfucked By Oil Speculators…

September 18, 2011
Malcolm Gladwell: Tobacco Industry Shill?

Malcolm Gladwell: Tobacco Industry Shill?

August 8, 2011
Evidence of Rightwing Regression: USDA Delivers Chicken Infested With Flesh-Eating Bacteria to School Lunch Programs...

Evidence of Rightwing Regression: USDA Delivers Chicken Infested With Flesh-Eating Bacteria to School Lunch Programs…

June 22, 2011
Porn Scanner Propaganda Watch: Texas Anti-TSA Movement Led By Far-Right Christian Fascists...

Porn Scanner Propaganda Watch: Texas Anti-TSA Movement Led By Far-Right Christian Fascists…

June 8, 2011
How The Tea Party Gave New Life To Mexican-Hunting Ultra-Right Extremists

How The Tea Party Gave New Life To Mexican-Hunting Ultra-Right Extremists

June 7, 2011
California Class War History: Meet The Oligarch Family That's Been Scamming Taxpayers For 150 Years, And Counting!

California Class War History: Meet The Oligarch Family That’s Been Scamming Taxpayers For 150 Years, And Counting!

May 19, 2011
L.A. Dumps 500 Tons of Human Excrement Onto Kern County Every Day

L.A. Dumps 500 Tons of Human Excrement Onto Kern County Every Day

May 12, 2011
Groundbreaking Rightwing Research Yields The "Teabagger Oil Theory"

Groundbreaking Rightwing Research Yields The “Teabagger Oil Theory”

April 27, 2011
eXiled Alert: eXiled Editor Yasha Levine Wins Award From The New York Press Association For His Story On Manhattan's Billionaire Farmers...

eXiled Alert: eXiled Editor Yasha Levine Wins Award From The New York Press Association For His Story On Manhattan’s Billionaire Farmers…

April 18, 2011
Koch Industries Lackeys Admit To Manipulating Oil Prices...And Gloat About It, Too

Koch Industries Lackeys Admit To Manipulating Oil Prices…And Gloat About It, Too

April 15, 2011
Property Taxes Are For Parasites: Billionaires Use The "Fake Farm Loophole" To Not Pay Any...

Property Taxes Are For Parasites: Billionaires Use The “Fake Farm Loophole” To Not Pay Any…

April 14, 2011
The Koch Brothers: Dark Lords of Derivatives

The Koch Brothers: Dark Lords of Derivatives

April 9, 2011
Anti-war Libertarians Charles and David Koch Love Profiteering Off America's War Machine

Anti-war Libertarians Charles and David Koch Love Profiteering Off America’s War Machine

March 25, 2011
How Long Has "New Media Strategies" Been Trolling Wikipedia On The Kochs' Behalf?

How Long Has “New Media Strategies” Been Trolling Wikipedia On The Kochs’ Behalf?

March 18, 2011
Billionaire Koch Brothers Use Their $1 Billion-A-Year Taxpayer-Funded Biofuel Subsidy To Bankroll Republicans, Tea Party, Right-wing Libertarian Groups

Billionaire Koch Brothers Use Their $1 Billion-A-Year Taxpayer-Funded Biofuel Subsidy To Bankroll Republicans, Tea Party, Right-wing Libertarian Groups

March 3, 2011
eXiled Alert! Dylan Ratigan Gives Shout Out To Yasha Levine, The eXiled For Pioneering Real Estate Market Reporting Out of Victorville

eXiled Alert! Dylan Ratigan Gives Shout Out To Yasha Levine, The eXiled For Pioneering Real Estate Market Reporting Out of Victorville

February 1, 2011
eXiled eXclusive: Charles and David Koch Made The Inaugural Ceremony Carpet Under President Obama's Feet

eXiled eXclusive: Charles and David Koch Made The Inaugural Ceremony Carpet Under President Obama’s Feet

January 27, 2011
Freemarket Failures: Investors Prefer Doing Business With Hugo Chavez Over Billionaire Koch Brothers

Freemarket Failures: Investors Prefer Doing Business With Hugo Chavez Over Billionaire Koch Brothers

January 5, 2011
Dude, Where's My Mortgage? How a Corrupt Outfit Called MERS Is Destroying Our System of Property Rights

Dude, Where’s My Mortgage? How a Corrupt Outfit Called MERS Is Destroying Our System of Property Rights

December 16, 2010
Tea Party Republicans Are Nothing But Big Government Whores, Just Like Their Billionaire Masters

Tea Party Republicans Are Nothing But Big Government Whores, Just Like Their Billionaire Masters

October 5, 2010
Water Wars: Billionaire Farmers Scheming to Privatize California's Water Are Under Attack

Water Wars: Billionaire Farmers Scheming to Privatize California’s Water Are Under Attack

September 15, 2010
7 Ways the Koch Bros. Benefit from Corporate Welfare

7 Ways the Koch Bros. Benefit from Corporate Welfare

September 4, 2010
Manhattan's Welfare  Kings: How Billionaires Turned Farms Into Personal Tax Havens and Petty Cash Machines, Allowing Them to Give Less, While Taking More

Manhattan’s Welfare Kings: How Billionaires Turned Farms Into Personal Tax Havens and Petty Cash Machines, Allowing Them to Give Less, While Taking More

June 15, 2010
Victorville Dispatch: Still Here, Still Proud [and Still Poor]

Victorville Dispatch: Still Here, Still Proud [and Still Poor]

June 5, 2010
How PG&E Plans To Screw The Golden State By Enshrining Its Corporate Energy Monopoly In the California Constitution

How PG&E Plans To Screw The Golden State By Enshrining Its Corporate Energy Monopoly In the California Constitution

May 18, 2010
A People's History of Koch Industries: How Stalin Funded the Tea Party Movement

A People’s History of Koch Industries: How Stalin Funded the Tea Party Movement

April 17, 2010
eXile Classic: Hell On Wheels—Disabled For A Day In Moscow

eXile Classic: Hell On Wheels—Disabled For A Day In Moscow

March 23, 2010
Water Wars: Billionaire Thugs Scheme To Pull Off Katrina-style Wealth Transfer That Could Destroy California

Water Wars: Billionaire Thugs Scheme To Pull Off Katrina-style Wealth Transfer That Could Destroy California

March 23, 2010
The Story of How Los Angeles Keeps Raping One of the Most Beautiful Spots in California

The Story of How Los Angeles Keeps Raping One of the Most Beautiful Spots in California

March 2, 2010
PBS' Bill Moyers, the respectable grandpa of the castrated Left, was once a diehard conspiracy theorist!

PBS’ Bill Moyers, the respectable grandpa of the castrated Left, was once a diehard conspiracy theorist!

February 14, 2010
Senator Feinstein Teams Up With Billionaire Farmers And Corporate Raiders To Mount Hostile Takeover of California's Water

Senator Feinstein Teams Up With Billionaire Farmers And Corporate Raiders To Mount Hostile Takeover of California’s Water

February 13, 2010
How Cheap Solar Power Will Save the SUV

How Cheap Solar Power Will Save the SUV

January 16, 2010
Billionaire Thugs Plot To Steal California's Water And Everything They Tell You Is A Lie

Billionaire Thugs Plot To Steal California’s Water And Everything They Tell You Is A Lie

January 8, 2010
Teabagger Queen Michele Bachmann Cashed In On $250,000 In Welfare

Teabagger Queen Michele Bachmann Cashed In On $250,000 In Welfare

December 22, 2009
NASA Satellites Can See California's Wealth Transfer All The Way From Space

NASA Satellites Can See California’s Wealth Transfer All The Way From Space

December 16, 2009
Will Be Jailed For Food: To Poorest Americans Incarceration Is An All-Inclusive Welfare Getaway Opportunity

Will Be Jailed For Food: To Poorest Americans Incarceration Is An All-Inclusive Welfare Getaway Opportunity

December 3, 2009
Bailed-Out AIG Goons Force Poor to Choose Between Running Water and Food

Bailed-Out AIG Goons Force Poor to Choose Between Running Water and Food

November 26, 2009
California's Student Body Isn't Being Fleeced Just By Wall Street Scammers, But By Grandma and Grandpa As Well

California’s Student Body Isn’t Being Fleeced Just By Wall Street Scammers, But By Grandma and Grandpa As Well

November 25, 2009
The Story of How Beverly Hills Billionaire Farmers Stewart and Lynda Resnick Have Privatized California's Water Supply

The Story of How Beverly Hills Billionaire Farmers Stewart and Lynda Resnick Have Privatized California’s Water Supply

November 19, 2009
How To Solve The Housing Glut: Ship Poor People Into Abandoned Suburbs and Privatize Inner-city Projects

How To Solve The Housing Glut: Ship Poor People Into Abandoned Suburbs and Privatize Inner-city Projects

November 17, 2009
Victorville and Surrounding Areas Take The Bronze For Biggest Drop In U.S. Real Estate Prices

Victorville and Surrounding Areas Take The Bronze For Biggest Drop In U.S. Real Estate Prices

November 14, 2009
Casey B. Mulligan Gives More Proof That Chicago School Freemarket Economics Is Nothing More Than Scientology For East Coast Rich Fucks

Casey B. Mulligan Gives More Proof That Chicago School Freemarket Economics Is Nothing More Than Scientology For East Coast Rich Fucks

November 4, 2009
Crime Extravaganza in the High Desert: Murders, Drive-bys and Bank Heists

Crime Extravaganza in the High Desert: Murders, Drive-bys and Bank Heists

October 9, 2009
Bad Water, Bleeding Gums and Gangrene Legs In Victorville

Bad Water, Bleeding Gums and Gangrene Legs In Victorville

October 2, 2009
DESERT DISPATCH: Cash Greases the Sleazy Circle-jerk of Small City Politics

DESERT DISPATCH: Cash Greases the Sleazy Circle-jerk of Small City Politics

October 1, 2009
Shilling With Schiller: Newspapers Attempt To Boost The Real Estate Market, Again

Shilling With Schiller: Newspapers Attempt To Boost The Real Estate Market, Again

September 29, 2009
What's The Border Fence Good For? Subsidizing Mexican Scrap Metal Entrepreneurs

What’s The Border Fence Good For? Subsidizing Mexican Scrap Metal Entrepreneurs

September 24, 2009
Will It Never End: Illegal Immigrants Steal American Jobs Even While In Jail!

Will It Never End: Illegal Immigrants Steal American Jobs Even While In Jail!

September 22, 2009
Pro-growth Shills Pop Up In Victorville To Boost Business Morale

Pro-growth Shills Pop Up In Victorville To Boost Business Morale

September 21, 2009


September 10, 2009
Dr Pepper's Wet Dream: Water, Government Subsidies and Transfer of Wealth in the Middle of the Desert

Dr Pepper’s Wet Dream: Water, Government Subsidies and Transfer of Wealth in the Middle of the Desert

September 9, 2009
Behind the Real Estate Bullshit: Socialism & Scams Drive Housing Market Optimism

Behind the Real Estate Bullshit: Socialism & Scams Drive Housing Market Optimism

September 3, 2009


September 3, 2009
Victorville: Class War Irony Central

Victorville: Class War Irony Central

September 2, 2009
Parasites: We Have Bankers, Crabs Have Translucent Sea Lice

Parasites: We Have Bankers, Crabs Have Translucent Sea Lice

August 25, 2009
Syrians and Jews Have More In Common Than They'd Like To Believe, Like Arming Colombian Rebels

Syrians and Jews Have More In Common Than They’d Like To Believe, Like Arming Colombian Rebels

August 20, 2009
High Desert Elementary Schools: Third World Genius Factories

High Desert Elementary Schools: Third World Genius Factories

August 14, 2009


August 12, 2009
My Subprime Suburb's Hidden Identity: How I Learned That My McMansion Was A Bastard Child of the 80s

My Subprime Suburb’s Hidden Identity: How I Learned That My McMansion Was A Bastard Child of the 80s

August 11, 2009
eXiled TV: Ghetto Bird Watching with Yasha Levine

eXiled TV: Ghetto Bird Watching with Yasha Levine

August 10, 2009
Border Wars: A Day in the Life of a Virtual Vigilante

Border Wars: A Day in the Life of a Virtual Vigilante

August 8, 2009
FDIC's Love Letter To The Banking Industry: Could You Be A Little Bit More Honest, Please? Pretty please?

FDIC’s Love Letter To The Banking Industry: Could You Be A Little Bit More Honest, Please? Pretty please?

August 4, 2009
Citigroup PSA: After All The Money We Stole, Here Are A Few Sucker Belt-tightening Tips Everyone Can Use

Citigroup PSA: After All The Money We Stole, Here Are A Few Sucker Belt-tightening Tips Everyone Can Use

August 1, 2009


July 28, 2009
Are Subprime Cities On Their Way To Becoming America's Very Own Gulag Archipelago?

Are Subprime Cities On Their Way To Becoming America’s Very Own Gulag Archipelago?

July 21, 2009
Mark Sanford’s Twinkie Defense: “I Cheated On My Wife Because Of High Taxes”

Mark Sanford’s Twinkie Defense: “I Cheated On My Wife Because Of High Taxes”

June 27, 2009


June 23, 2009
Depression Porn: The New Taxpayer-funded Subprime Market No One Wants You To Know About

Depression Porn: The New Taxpayer-funded Subprime Market No One Wants You To Know About

June 16, 2009
Depression Porn: How Banks Are Gaming The Real Estate Market

Depression Porn: How Banks Are Gaming The Real Estate Market

June 5, 2009
Locked 'n Loaded For The Coming Obama-lypse

Locked ‘n Loaded For The Coming Obama-lypse

May 7, 2009
Predator III: The Jet-powered Drone That’ll Strike Explosives Into The Heart Of The Taliban

Predator III: The Jet-powered Drone That’ll Strike Explosives Into The Heart Of The Taliban

May 4, 2009
The Great American Land Swindle: Digging Up Victorville’s Speculative Fossil Record (Updated)

The Great American Land Swindle: Digging Up Victorville’s Speculative Fossil Record (Updated)

April 30, 2009


April 17, 2009
Dispatch from Victorville: Levine Starts His Journey Into the Heart of America's Foreclosure Nightmare

Dispatch from Victorville: Levine Starts His Journey Into the Heart of America’s Foreclosure Nightmare

April 12, 2009
Weekend Getaway: In Search Of America's Foreclosure Nightmare

Weekend Getaway: In Search Of America’s Foreclosure Nightmare

March 25, 2009
Astroturf Revolution Dispatch: Koch Activists Teabag Media

Astroturf Revolution Dispatch: Koch Activists Teabag Media

February 27, 2009
Greedy Landlords, Merciless Consumers: A Case Study of America's Recession Vultures

Greedy Landlords, Merciless Consumers: A Case Study of America’s Recession Vultures

February 17, 2009
Tax the Poor: California's Evil Financing Strategy

Tax the Poor: California’s Evil Financing Strategy

January 30, 2009
Tag Team Prophet Predictions: Parowan Prophet and Blind Baba Vanga

Tag Team Prophet Predictions: Parowan Prophet and Blind Baba Vanga

December 17, 2008
How Do I Get Outta Russia Alive?

How Do I Get Outta Russia Alive?

December 16, 2008
Recession Penis Party Thwarted by Blue Balls

Recession Penis Party Thwarted by Blue Balls

December 10, 2008
America: Home of the Free & Land of the Armed

America: Home of the Free & Land of the Armed

December 8, 2008
Why Drug Addiction Isn't That Bad

Why Drug Addiction Isn’t That Bad

December 1, 2008
TypePad Mocks Media Famine

TypePad Mocks Media Famine

November 19, 2008
Candy Raver Russian Revolutionaries

Candy Raver Russian Revolutionaries

November 10, 2008
Horrific Flashback From My Soviet Childhood

Horrific Flashback From My Soviet Childhood

October 8, 2008
Postcard from Georgia: The Russian Toilet Protest

Postcard from Georgia: The Russian Toilet Protest

October 6, 2008
Russian Hate Crime: Brutal Beheading Caught on Tape, Case Solved?

Russian Hate Crime: Brutal Beheading Caught on Tape, Case Solved?

September 18, 2008
Is CNN Getting Kicked Out of Russia?

Is CNN Getting Kicked Out of Russia?

September 10, 2008
Russia's Luxury Car Trend: the Beluga Bus

Russia’s Luxury Car Trend: the Beluga Bus

August 28, 2008
Medvedev: "I Just Wanna Be Like Putin"

Medvedev: “I Just Wanna Be Like Putin”

August 14, 2008
The CNN Effect: Georgia Schools Russia in Information Warfare

The CNN Effect: Georgia Schools Russia in Information Warfare

August 13, 2008
Shootout In Tula: Corporate Raid, Russian Style

Shootout In Tula: Corporate Raid, Russian Style

August 6, 2008
Russia's Airborne Troops Celebrate In Gorky Park!

Russia’s Airborne Troops Celebrate In Gorky Park!

August 4, 2008
Death Porn: Vodka, A Weapon For The Body And Mind

Death Porn: Vodka, A Weapon For The Body And Mind

July 30, 2008
The Daily Bribe: The Dirty World of Russian Political Bloggers

The Daily Bribe: The Dirty World of Russian Political Bloggers

July 23, 2008
Baby Bumper Crop in Lenin's Hometown

Baby Bumper Crop in Lenin’s Hometown

July 16, 2008
Driving Russia's Dangerous Roads: Risking life and limb on Russia's decrepit highway system

Driving Russia’s Dangerous Roads: Risking life and limb on Russia’s decrepit highway system

March 10, 2008
Winter Fashion Guide: Shapka Shopping

Winter Fashion Guide: Shapka Shopping

January 14, 2008
Two Cities, Two Protests, One Arrest

Two Cities, Two Protests, One Arrest

December 11, 2007
Taxi Driver: Gypsy Cab Confessions in Moscow

Taxi Driver: Gypsy Cab Confessions in Moscow

November 21, 2007
Toxoplasma: The Obscure Cat-Shit Parasite That Explains Europe

Toxoplasma: The Obscure Cat-Shit Parasite That Explains Europe

August 21, 2007
Enter the OMON: Russia's Enforcers Meet the Press

Enter the OMON: Russia’s Enforcers Meet the Press

May 10, 2007
Feature Story: Platzkart Hell

Feature Story: Platzkart Hell

December 15, 2006
Feature Story: Hot Afternoons in Armenia's Frozen Zone

Feature Story: Hot Afternoons in Armenia’s Frozen Zone

August 25, 2006


Yasha Levine is the author of Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet.

He is a former editor of The eXile and a founding editor of The eXiled. Levine’s articles have appeared in Wired, The Nation, Slate, Penthouse, Time magazine, The New York Observer and elsewhere.

Levine and eXiled co-editor Mark Ames first broke the connection between the Tea Party and the billionaire Koch brothers in in February 2009, sparking lawsuit threats, and causing CNBC’s Rick Santelli to publicly distance himself from the Tea Party movement and cancel his Daily Show appearance. He was also the first to uncover the origins of the Koch family’s wealth and its connection to Stalin and the Soviet Union. No joke.

Yasha Levine is now a staff writer at NSFWCORP.

Yasha Levine used to live alone in trailer home in the desert exurb of Victorville, California, with his two guns, but is now recuperating in Venice Beach.

(Last updated in 2012)


Contact him at levine [at]