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(Articles sorted by the date they were added to The eXiled archives, not their original publish dates.)

Ukraine: The Gogolean Bordello

But there is not any “final” thing in politics, least of all in Ukrainian politics, or Eastern European politics in general. The keys to understanding today’s political landscape in Ukraine can be found not in the European Enlightenment philosophy of the 18th century, or the Russian political discourse of “slavophiles” vs. “westernizers” of the 19th century. Instead, one should reach back to the genius of the Ukrainian soul revealed some 150 years ago by Nikolai Gogol.

Posted on: December 14th, 2013 | Comments (7)

Taxi Driver: Gypsy Cab Confessions in Moscow

This article was first published on November 21, 2007 in The eXile. It was just after 1 a.m. on Monday morning when I pulled my rental car up to my apartment building. I’d just spent the last 48 hours working as…

Posted on: November 21st, 2007 | Comments Off on Taxi Driver: Gypsy Cab Confessions in Moscow

Escape From Crimea: An Ethnic Russian Journalist's Flight From Ukraine

For the past six years I’ve been a journalist. Last year I was brought up on criminal charges by a Ukrainian court, convicted and sentenced to two years in prison. All I did was write a few words about the truth, which unfortunately later on I was unable to prove.

Posted on: June 11th, 2014 | Comments (14)

Donetsk Paper Fascists: Protest & Track Suits In Yanukovych's Hometown

Donetsk is a fascist city. I’m not using this term in the cheap way that it gets bandied around at a dinner table discussion between Republicans and Democrats. Donetsk actually is fascist. There is one party, people get beaten for opposition views, information is controlled, nationalist sentiment is enflamed with insane rhetoric about America/NATO plots to enslave Ukraine, and fear is the main motivating factor.

Posted on: December 2nd, 2013 | Comments (7)

Books That Was in Nam

Vietnam, a war characterized by thousands of small skirmishes, was richer in incident and gore than an inner-city basketball tournament. When next you hear that rough voice asking, “War — what is it good for?”, you tell it: “First-person memoirs, that’s what!”

Posted on: November 30th, 2013 | Comments (1)

Exterminate The Men: Honoring Andrea Dworkin, A Feminist Who Meant It and Paid

The recent death of Andrea Dworkin didn’t even make the small print news in Russia. Feminism, at least the feminism of the kind Westerners take for granted, never caught on. Patronizing Westerners often see that as a sign that Russians…

Posted on: September 14th, 2013 | Comments (39)

Paraguay: A Brief History Of National Suicide


Posted on: August 14th, 2013 | Comments (25)