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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
eXile Classic

(Articles sorted by the date they were added to The eXiled archives, not their original publish dates.)

W. H. Auden: The Worst Famous Poet Of The 20th Century

Auden is the worst famous poet of the 20th century. He simply cannot write a decent line, let alone a decent poem. Some of his very worst poems are among those “classics” found in every anthology of Modern poetry. They’ll…

Posted on: August 28th, 2012 | Comments (57)

How Pussy Riot Troupe "Voina" Got The eXile Censored in 2008: The Lost Story

It is the first time in the 11-year history of The exile, that our newspaper has ever been censored. What’s odd about it for us is that the “Fucking For Medvedev” spread, while not exactly family-friendly, is hardly the most shocking thing we’ve ever printed; we’ve run a cover depicting a nearly-nude Putin fucking Bill Clinton from behind, another cover depicting Putin as a midget in the Hitlerjugen getting his head patted by a pleased Fuhrer, and a cover demanding that President Yeltsin “Die Already!” during one of his many illnesses.

Posted on: August 22nd, 2012 | Comments (16)

War Nerd Classic: In Praise Of Sikhs, "The Coolest Warrior Tribe Around"

I think I’ve finally found a religion I can convert to. I’m thinking of turning Sikh. And we’ll just slide right by all the puns popping into your little heads, if you don’t mind. The Sikhs are just the coolest warrior tribe around. Take their scripture.

Posted on: August 8th, 2012 | Comments (183)

Why Soccer Sucks: The Antidote To World Cup Idiocy

  As an antidote to the current World Cup soccer idiocy, we suggest taking 1 full dose of The eXile’s classic soccer takedown, published during the 1998 World Cup. Here’s a little something to consider for all you folks who’ve…

Posted on: June 24th, 2010 | Comments (200)

Two Cities, Two Protests, One Arrest

ST. PETERSBURG — The morning air was icy and the mood tense as people gathered for Other Russia’s pre-protest press conference outside the Yabloko office and it was obvious that something was going to go down, and soon…

Posted on: December 11th, 2007 | Leave Comment

Hey Freepers! Mark Steyn Hates You!

This article was first published in The eXile in September 2005. A funny thing happened while I was surfing rightwing sites like Free Republic and Little Green Footballs this week: I discovered that Mark Steyn, the world’s only warmongering Canadian journalist,…

Posted on: September 23rd, 2005 | Comments (2)

War Nerd Classic: Altar Boy Vs. Altar Boy In Uganda: The Lord's Resistance Army & Joseph Kony

This article is a War Nerd Classic Christians are stone killers. You put a Christian and a lion in an arena and I’ll bet Toyotas to Subarus the Christian’ll have the lion for lunch. Just look around you: lions are…

Posted on: March 7th, 2012 | Comments (62)