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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
October 2010


Maybe what’s happening in America today will seem funny to some other culture in some future time—how it happened that in the depths of America’s decline, Liberals, the great opposition to everything mean and ruthless in this culture, couldn’t muster up a get-together for anything better than a mock-in. Led by a clown.

I confess, I couldn’t hack it. I came to the rally–saw those two pastry chefs from the Mythbusters show get all the Liberal Elites to hold a post-modern human wave, an ironic human wave allowing all the self-conscious Liberal Elites to play like Real America, while salvaging their vanity because it was all ironic and post-modern… And to make sure that everyone knew they were not really human-waving but rather meta-human-waving, the Mythbusters duo deconstructed the human wave. And all the Liberal Elites smiled and laughed knowingly, because all 150,000 were in on the biggest inside-joke wankathon in American history. And that was it for me–I was outta there. (more…)

October 30th, 2010 | Comments (293)

How Meg Whitman Failed Her Way to the Top at eBay, Collecting Billions While Nearly Destroying the Company

This article was first published on AlterNet With the elections for governor just around the corner, most California voters probably think they have a pretty good grasp of the pros and cons of Republican candidate Meg Whitman: on the downside,…

October 27th, 2010 | Comments (43)

Hereafter I Will Avoid Clint Eastwood Films

Clint Eastwood’s latest, Hereafter, looks at the life-after-death question. I went to see it because I like it when movies plunge into the life-after-death question, which so often involves ghosts and paranormal weirdness and crazy psychic visions and mystic hoo-ha…

October 26th, 2010 | Comments (29)

WATCH: Mark Ames Is Back On MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Talking About The Tea Baggers' Slave Mentality, And America's "Virtual Democracy"

Mark Ames appeared on MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan Show to talk about the Tea Party slave mentality, how Ames and Levine scooped their journalism peers on the billionaire Koch brothers’ furtive sponsorship of the Tea Party campaign, and how America’s…

October 20th, 2010 | Comments (37)

The "Flash Crash" Cover-Up

This article was first published on the CounterPunch website The breathlessly awaited government report that promised to shore up public confidence by explaining why the stock market briefly plunged 998 points on May 6, with hundreds of stocks momentarily losing…

October 14th, 2010 | Comments (14)

 Neocon Like Me: How I Spent A Year In Iraq Teaching With The Bush-Cheney Crazies

This article was first published at Alternet. The hero of this story is the $100 bill — or rather, the wad of $100 bills. My first meeting with those lovely $100 bills came at the end of my interview for…

October 11th, 2010 | Comments (96)

Blood-Sucking Death Porn Dykes Do Western Australia: A Survey Of True Crime From Down Under

PERTH — Western Australia is one of Oceania’s best sources of grotesquerie. In the same way the Southern States serve America, Western Australia provides an endless supply of serial killing tales, small-town hatred and supernatural horror. Melbourne might be the…

October 7th, 2010 | Comments (28)