Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
Banking Porn
Behind the Real Estate Bullshit: Socialism & Scams Drive Housing Market Optimism

If you search your favorite news aggregate for “US housing market”,  you’ll find a whole mess of headlines guaranteed to make you feel good about that crappy McTractHome you might have bought at the height of the real estate orgy….

Posted on: September 3rd, 2009 | Comments (25)

FusterClucked Again: The Commercial Real Estate Crash Is On

News about the economy has gone from apocalyptic to merely bad. Stock indexes and commodity prices have been on a five month tear. Hints are showing up that at least the worst of the home mortgage disaster might be over. Unemployment is still…

Posted on: August 10th, 2009 | Comments (10)

Depression Porn: The New Taxpayer-funded Subprime Market No One Wants You To Know About

Everything the real estate industry tells you is a hustle. No industry is more geared toward pumping up the positive and burying anything remotely negative, leaving you — and truth — out in the cold. The crash has not made…

Posted on: June 16th, 2009 | Comments (17)

Myron Scholes: Nobel Prize Winner, Con Man And High Priest of Derivative Divinity

Every now and then I run across some important finance type saying something so patently crazy, such a complete howler, that it just stops me little brain. The most recent one of these was from Myron Scholes in the New…

Posted on: May 20th, 2009 | Comments (16)

The "Stress Test" Scam

The results are in and, completely and utterly to no surprise at all, the US banking system is in decent fundamental shape. Yup, Dr. Geithner and Nurse Bernanke had the 19 largest banks in the US drop trow, grabbed their…

Posted on: May 8th, 2009 | Comments (17)

Banking Porn: The Blowjob Market

One of the things Wall Street does best is confuse people. They are brilliant at it, making simple things seem complex. So today we’re going to go over one of the things they’re trying to make obscure and make them…

Posted on: March 12th, 2009 | Comments (23)

CNBC: A Dumb, Perky Cheerleader for the Team That Stole Our Money

There aren’t a huge number of constants in the world of finance. First of all, that word, finance, includes a guy sitting in a cube cold-calling retirees while he’s working at Fidelity. It also includes Larry Fink, the CEO of…

Posted on: February 24th, 2009 | Comments (13)