By Sean Guillory

On December 5, the day after Russia’s Duma elections, the anti-corruption crusader and popular blogger, Alexei Navalny, told a raucous crowd, “I want to say to you: Thank you. Thank you for playing you part as a citizen. Thank you…
By Yasha Levine

I gotta say, this newfangled live phone cam streaming technology is off the hook. Now anyone with an Android and an unlimited data plan can stream amazing embedded protest footage from anywhere to anyone–all of it in real time. Forget…
By Yasha Levine

Free Press’ Josh Stearns has put together, and continues to maintain, a great up-to-date resource that’s keeping track of all the journalists arrested while covering the Occupy movement. As of today that number stands at 36, and includes the recent…
By Mark Ames

With violence and government crackdowns making headlines from so many familiar parts of the world, there’s hardly been a peep in the media about the biggest and ugliest massacre of all: Last Friday in Kazakhstan, riot police slaughtered up 70…
By Peter Berard

BOSTON—Occupy Boston! It was one of the last big ones to get cleared out, as I understand. I wasn’t there for the police clearance operation–but I was there the night before, when OB chumped down Boston Mayor Tom Menino, at…
By Mark Ames

Exiled editor Mark Ames went on The Alyona Show to talk about why the financial sector keeps expanding even after the collapse of 2008, American decadence, the Occupy protests, and why “It’s going to get ugly” in this country… Watch…
By Team eXiled

Watch livestreaming of today’s protest: