Ames emailed me a New York Times blog post from last February by one Casey B. Mulligan–which may sound like a fictional baseball player’s name, but no, he’s real all right, just another in a long line of insane econ…
Zoinks! I think I heard a liberal blogger! This is just like America’s rightwing pussies: all bluster and no fight. When no one’s looking, they’re screaming crazy treasonous shit like they’re badass revolutionaries, but at the first whiff of liberal-blogger…
It’s great to be right. It’s Sunday, a good day to gloat about how I was right and everyone else who gets paid serious money was a fucking idiot. The Financial Crisis that everyone claims they couldn’t possibly see coming? I…
News Flash! Five months after Yasha Levine and I broke the story linking the rightwing billionaire-PR nexus between FreedomWorks, the Koch family, CNBC, Eric Odom and the Tea Party movement, the Washington Post finally caught up with us. In an article…
Last week, eXiled Online editor Mark Ames made two appearances on Dylan Ratigan’s new MSNBC show, “Morning Meeting.” Here are a couple of clips for your viewing pleasure. Here’s the first clip from August 6th, talking about the rampage shooting in Pittsburgh:
The first reviews of the “Going Postal” documentary, which aired last night on BBC2, are rolling in from the British press. The Independent praised the film’s “highly-talented” director Paul Tickell, and called the documentary “exemplary in just about every way”:
Headlines today are filled with stories about how a slaughtered goat was found in front of New York Assemblyman Greg Ball’s house, with a sign around its neck claiming it was the work of the MS-13 gang, a vicious Central…