Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
Recovered History

This story was first published in the defunct Radar magazine on March 7, 2008

How “liberal” is newly-anointed Russian President-elect Dmitry Medvedev, the one so many people are saying represents a possible thaw in post-Putinpolitics? My Moscow newspaper just found out the hard way—one of Russia’s leading printing presses censored us yesterday over a page-six photo essay that we’d headlined “Fucking For Medvedev.” (more…)

Posted on: August 22nd, 2012 | Comments (16)

Yves Smith: The Hidden History Of The Independence Day Holiday

This hidden history of our national celebration is only a small portion of Carey’s account of the extent and reach of the Americanization campaign. It shows how big business has led a long standing, persistent, and well financed campaign to turn the public against fighting for one’s rights if those rights are workplace rights.

Posted on: July 3rd, 2012 | Comments (51)

Recovered History: 7,000 May Day Protesters Herded Into D.C. Stadium Prison In 1971

Today’s May Day protests are the first May Day protests on such a large scale “in memory.” Not that Americans have a memory to speak of. Here’s something to jar that memory loose: Newspaper clippings of the big May Day protest in Washington DC back in 1971, when federal troops and police herded 7,000 protestors into an open-air stadium prison

Posted on: May 1st, 2012 | Comments (28)

Great Moments In Libertarian History: NAMBLA Spokesman Declares Himself "Libertarian"

Browsing through some old copies of the late, great Spy magazine, I found this interview with the former spokesman for the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), Joe Powers, in which he declares himself a Libertarian. Here’s the article spread,…

Posted on: January 18th, 2012 | Comments (36)

Kill Without Joy: Hit Man Praises Jack Ruby As "Strictly Pro"

I recently came across a book from the late 1970s called “Kill Without Joy: The Complete How To Kill Book” written apparently by a Canadian locksmith. The hard-boiled title belies the book’s dark comic flair. Or maybe it’s just the…

Posted on: November 24th, 2011 | Comments (30)

November 17: Why this day is so important for Greeks

November 17: a date that haunts Greece. It’s the date when the uprising of several hundred of students, who stood up against the military dictatorship by occupying the Athens Polytechnic, was brutally crushed. The iconic photo of a tank driving through the Polytechnic’s gate is a symbol of freedom for (probably) all Greeks.

Posted on: November 18th, 2011 | Comments (20)

Libyan Phantoms & Iranian Assassins: Greatest Hit Squads 1981-2011

If you’re feeling like you’re being taken for a ride with all this nonsense about Iranian-Narco-Mexican terror hit-squads infiltrating this great nation, read on… Last week, the curtains finally came down on Col. Qaddafi. The week before that, we were…

Posted on: October 26th, 2011 | Comments (18)