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death porn

It seems that driving in Moscow is getting more and more dangerous all the time. On Sunday a high-speed ring-road collision of a new Mercedes 350 SL and a black tinted-windowed Chevrolet Suburban threatened to disintegrate into an even more…

April 1st, 1997 | Comments (1)

Death Porn: The State Withers Away-By Suicide

Russian prisoners looking to escape may not have to wait much longer for a choice opportunity. The press service of the GenProkuratura announced this week that more than 100 prison guards last year killed themselves, at a rate roughly analogous…

March 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

In Honor of Women’s day, Death Porn offers a glimpse of the better sex at work, at play, and at murder. Soap on a Rope A kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Romanova, tried to hang a 20 month old baby with a…

March 6th, 1997 | Comments (2)

Patrick Hyland Strikes Again! The publisher and owner of the “Folium” publishing company was knifed to death on January 30th in a dispute over his database on psychological problems. “Folium” was a small company specializing in books on psychology and…

February 6th, 1997 | Leave Comment