It’s not often you get to see a sleazy tool like US Chamber of Commerce head Tom Donohue get smacked around on live TV. In part that’s because people like Donohue operate in the dull backrooms where the payoffs are made, the administrative codes are tweaked, and the deals are cut, making him almost invisible. Which is why it’s a good thing to have someone like Dylan Ratigan fighting the good fight–because he comes from the CNBC business world, so he’s got a better sense of where the real Brain Bugs are hiding. Donohue is currently leading the fight to kill the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency, because an agency like that might protect 304.9 million Americans from the .1 million serial-rapists on Wall Street. (more…)
Posted: October 15th, 2009

This article was first published in The eXile on September 7, 2007.
Here’s a real-life superhero dilemma: What do you do when you’re the world’s most powerful news and opinion magazine, carrying the English-language torch of freedom on behalf of your million-plus high-net-worth readers across the globe, and suddenly you spot injustice on the Eurasian horizon: Sham elections in an oil-rich Eurasian country, resulting in a one-party parliament; its autocratic leader just pushed through constitutional amendments allowing him to remain in power for life; and it’s waging a campaign to bully Western oil companies out of their lucrative oil fields, in spite of contracts and investments made. (more…)
Posted: October 14th, 2009

If you’re one of the millions of eXiled Online readers living in the Greater London area, then Christmas is coming early for you. Next Friday, October 16, there will be a special screening of the brutal BBC-produced documentary, Going Postal, based on my book of the same name. The mad and mega-talented director, Paul Tickell, will be on-hand for a Q&A after the showing–I highly recommend taking advantage of that opportunity. The screening will be held at the Frontline Club, “in the heart of London”–for details click here. [Update: you can book through the Frontline website, though there may still be tickets on the night of the showing. It’s at 13 Norfolk Place, W2. Close to Paddington Station.] (more…)
Posted: October 9th, 2009

This article was originally published in The eXile on November 29, 2001.
Now that we stomped the dust monkeys, our only casualty being that helicopter wheel that the Taliban danced around while firing their AKs in the air, I have to say, I’m damn glad I was behind President Bush from the get-go. I toldja so! I knew we’d thrash those pathetic primitives! I told everyone, but nooooo, they wouldn’t listen! (more…)
Posted: October 9th, 2009

Every day and every week we hear another shocking story about how our billionaires have cooked up an even sicker scheme to shake down Americans and plunder the national wealth, as if the last scheme was too easy and boring. They don’t even bother hiding it anymore: take the story about the “Death Bonds” I wrote about last month, first reported (however blandly) in the New York Times: the very same Wall Street bankers who conned $23 trillion out of America’s wealth is now going to use some of that play money to place bets on when we Americans will die—and the sooner we die, the more billions in E-Z profits Wall Street will earn. (more…)
Posted: October 7th, 2009

Folks, this is one of those moments we here at Exiled Online have been waiting for all year long: finally, someone found a way to shake up Betsy McCaughey, an American traitor whom I warned you about in early February as someone willing to kill Americans by the thousands in order to enrich herself and her Park Avenue friends. Since then, Betsy McCaughey invented the “death panels” lie to help kill health care all over again: the Daily Beast labeled her “The Woman Who Killed Health Care,” while Jon Stewart was half-thwarted in his on-air attempt to Cramerize her. It seemed that no one could take the beast down. Enter Dylan Ratigan, host of the MSNBC Morning Meeting Show, the R.P. MacMurphy who took down Nurse McCaughey in the Cuckoo’s Nest of American health care we find ourselves stuck in.
Posted: October 6th, 2009

This article was first published in The eXile on July 8, 2004
Much has been said over the past week about the final collapse of the Russian Left-opposition. Even a neo-con like Michael McFaul publicly lamented (through crocodile tears) the weekend split of the Russian Communist Party opposition, charging that “democracy as a result has suffered.”
But the fact is that the Russian Left died a long time ago — in the mid-1990s, when they agreed to collaborate with the powers-that-be, and to destroy anyone within their ranks who tried breaking free from their sleazy arrangement with Yeltsin and the oligarchy. The Communists didn’t want to win power, in fact they were terrified of taking power — they were safer, and better-off, as a toothless, fake opposition, which served Yeltsin well because he could whip up Return of the Red Scare fever any time he needed more IMF funds or any time Clinton’s people threatened to make a stink about the corruption and genocide that Yeltsin was responsible for.
Posted: October 5th, 2009