The eXiled obtained a bombshell email sent by Mother Jones blogger Adam Serwer that reveals Serwer’s own private doubts about the smears he publicly leveled against journalist Max Blumenthal in his blog and on Twitter.
Dec 12, 2011 | Comments (7)
The eXiled obtained a bombshell email sent by Mother Jones blogger Adam Serwer that reveals Serwer’s own private doubts about the smears he publicly leveled against journalist Max Blumenthal in his blog and on Twitter.
Dec 12, 2011 | Comments (7)
“The West let Russia down, and it’s a shame,” said Meadowcroft, a former British MP and veteran of 48 election-monitoring missions to 35 countries.
In a recent telephone interview with The eXile, Meadowcroft explained how he was pressured by OSCE and EU authorities to ignore serious irregularities in Boris Yeltsin’s heavily manipulated 1996 election victory, and how EU officials suppressed a report about the Russian media’s near-total subservience to pro-Yeltsin forces.
Dec 9, 2011 | Comments (11)
I have written about the the correlation between austerity programs and violence–whether the mass state violence like the 1989 “Caracazo” bloodbath in Venezuela in response to an IMF-sanctioned austerity program, in which up to 3,000 people were massacred (leading eventually…
Dec 7, 2011 | Comments (31)
Looks like the source used by former camp guard Jeffrey Goldberg to try to smear Max Blumenthal’s investigative article is proving unreliable. Karen Greenberg has already completely changed her story from a clear-cut denial that she had ever said the…
Dec 7, 2011 | Comments (9)
The Atlantic Monthly’s former Israeli Detention Camp guard, Cpl. Jeffrey Goldberg, today posted a sleaze-hit on Blumenthal’s article. Since there are no facts in the story that can be called into question, the way they’re going after Blumenthal is by getting one of the sources to deny her quotes (or sort of deny, it’s hard to even tell now)…
Dec 7, 2011 | Comments (16)
When I worked in Russia, there were two sets of laws–one for Kremlin favorites and oligarchs, who never worried about paying for their crimes; and laws for everyone else, who paid no matter what. Here, it’s starting to get even…
Dec 6, 2011 | Comments (38)
Listen to eXiled editors Yasha Levine and Mark Ames on KPFK Radio’s “Beneath the Surface” with Suzi Weissman, as they discuss Yasha Levine’s arrest at the LAPD raid on Occupy LA and the appalling treatment of peaceful protesters he witnessed…
Dec 5, 2011 | Comments (2)