Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
All Articles: Page 39
By Mark Ames
When It Comes To Koch Apologists, Slate's David Weigel Is "Chairman Of The Bored"

Slate’s David Weigel is one of the few libertarian media figures who at least has had the courtesy to disclose, on occasion, his past relationships with Koch-funded outfits (Institute for Humane Studies, Reason Magazine…). But half-disclosures can be deceiving. The…

Sep 7, 2011 | Comments (44)

By Mark Ames
Breitbart Hijinx Update! Ace Reporter Joel B. Pollak Knows What A "Proxy" Is!

Urgent update, folks! Andrew Breitbart’s Koch-monkey, Joel B. Pollak, just outdid himself as the top ace gumshoe reporter of the retarded-right. Yes folks, Joel. B. Pollak, peddler of the “Johnny Chen Conspiracy Theory” that changed the face of journalism as we know it, now has another shocking scoop about eXiled editor Mark Ames–and to get the scoop, he even used what hi-tech futuristic types call a “proxy.”

Sep 5, 2011 | Comments (79)

By Eileen Jones
Rat Bastard Jesse James and a New Film Genre, “The Southern”

It’s Jesse James’ birthday today, September 5th. I mean the famous “frontier outlaw,” sometimes referred to as “America’s Robin Hood,” but actually an obnoxious Missouri sumbitch still venerated and romanticized by an addled public. In movies he tends to get…

Sep 5, 2011 | Comments (45)

By Gary Brecher
The War Nerd: Golan: When Your Green March Turns Red

While everybody was distracted with Libya, something interesting happened on the Golan Heights. The Palestinians, with a lot of pushing from the Assad people, staged their own version of the Green March. And it failed.

Sep 2, 2011 | Comments (63)


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By Gary Brecher
War Nerd Alert: This Guy Look Libyan to You?

Dude on the right look local? A sharp-eyed reader named Pete S. sent me a picture off an Al Jazeera blog on Libya with what Pete thinks might be an SAS operator taking in the parade. This is the guy…

Aug 31, 2011 | Comments (60)

By Mark Ames
ANDREW BREITBART ATTACKS EXILED EDITOR MARK AMES!...Hires Failed Teabag Republican To Investigate The Great “Who Is Johnny Chen?” Conspiracy

Welp folks, I’m now a Made Man in the depraved and hilarious world of American Pop Culture–the only World that really matters in this country. Andrew Breitbart, the Brentwood-born West Hollywood princeling, has officially anointed me “Important Enough To Hate.”…

Aug 30, 2011 | Comments (94)

By Gary Brecher
The War Nerd: Libya, By da Yout', For da Yout'...For Now

A little secret you won’t hear much about: Libya under Qaddafi wasn’t that bad for most people. And that’s according to the CIA. Take a look at the CIA factbook on Libya under Qaddafi and you’re in for a shock.
Subsidized medical care, subsidized education, one of the highest average incomes in Africa, a life expectancy of 77 point something, and rankings in the 90s, pretty low, on most of the bad stuff like infant mortality.

Aug 30, 2011 | Comments (46)