By Team eXiled

Last week, eXiled Online editor Mark Ames made two appearances on Dylan Ratigan’s new MSNBC show, “Morning Meeting.” Here are a couple of clips for your viewing pleasure. Here’s the first clip from August 6th, talking about the rampage shooting in Pittsburgh:
By Mark Ames

St. Gladney de St. Louis clutches a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag and suffers quietly… Those Tea Party thugs are a lot like Colonel Klink’s Nazis: they’d be funny in a cheap sitcom way if they weren’t causing the rest…
By Mr. Walker

News about the economy has gone from apocalyptic to merely bad. Stock indexes and commodity prices have been on a five month tear. Hints are showing up that at least the worst of the home mortgage disaster might be over. Unemployment is still…
By Yasha Levine

This article first appeared in Vice Magazine It is a sweltering afternoon in May on a patch of empty Arizona desert straddling the US-Mexico border. There is not a soul in sight, no one to mind the cloud of dust…
By Mark Ames

There’s a reason why the Chinese are ascendant while America is in decline. Because the Chinese walk upright and aren’t afraid to apply justice to the pigs who are ruining their country; while at the same time, Americans bow and…
By Mark Ames

Just when you think you’ve seen so much hypocrisy that nothing can shock you, along comes Megan McArdle. McArdle, who blogs for the Atlantic Monthly, presents herself as a principled libertarian, fiercely denouncing any attempt to provide any sort of government-funded…
By Mark Ames

This is one of the clearest and most painful “going postal” rampage massacres I’ve studied, and I’ve looked at a lot of them. The reason is that the murderer, George Sodini, left behind a diary that makes everything as clear…