Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
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All Articles: Page 18
The Left's Big Sellout: How The ACLU & Human Rights Groups Quietly Exterminated Labor Rights

I did a simple check: I went to the websites of three of the biggest names in liberal activist politics: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the ACLU. Checking their websites, I was surprised to find that not one of those three organizations lists labor as a major topic or issue that it covers.

Jun 22, 2012 | Comments (70)

S.H.A.M.E. Releases Profile on Jeffrey Goldberg: Prison Camp Guard, War Booster & Israeli Apartheid Apologist

The latest S.H.A.M.E. Profile demonstrates, Jeffrey Goldberg is a propagandist of the worst, most disastrous kind. For the past ten years-plus, he has peddled blatantly false war propaganda…

Jun 18, 2012 | Comments (31)

Prometheus Shoulda Been a Titanic Feat

By now I’m assuming you’ve seen Prometheus, and we can talk freely. If not, beat it, because I’m telling all, plot-wise. Prometheus starts out gangbusters, so beautiful and ambitious that you have to wonder how Ridley Scott is going to…

Jun 10, 2012 | Comments (94)

S.H.A.M.E. Profile: Freakonomics Author Steven Levitt Is An Anti-Labor, Pro-Prison Milton Friedman Extremist

Steven Levitt is a dyed-in-the-wool Chicago School neoliberal who believes in the sanctity of “the market” and a small government whose function is restricted mostly to protecting property rights. He has used “objective” economic research and mainstream credibility as cover, while attacking teachers’ unions, advocating for the privatization of prison labor . . .

Jun 8, 2012 | Comments (62)


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Malcolm Gladwell Unmasked: A Look Into the Life & Work of America’s Most Successful Propagandist

Gladwell has shilled for Big Tobacco, Pharma and defended Enron-style financial fraud, all while earning hundreds of thousands of dollars as a corporate speaker…

Jun 6, 2012 | Comments (34)

Labor Journalism Today: Corporate Lackeys Accost, Detain eXiled Contributor Mike Elk For Daring To Question Honeywell CEO's Union-Busting Policies...

This article is cross-posted from In These Times… For the last two years, I have covered union busting efforts by Honeywell, their close connections to President Obama and how federal agencies have assisted Honeywell in three different labor struggles since Obama came to…

Jun 1, 2012 | Comments (34)

Announcement: eXiled's S.H.A.M.E. Media Transparency Project Goes Live, Malcolm Gladwell Subject of First Public Shaming...

Six months ago, The eXiled announced a new media transparency project that would take our war against corporate trolls and media shills to a new and more effective level. The wait is over, S.H.A.M.E. is finally ready for beta launch.

May 31, 2012 | Comments (40)