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All Articles: Page 80
Trainspotting Meets Bioterrorism: Scottish Junkies, Anthrax, And Murky UK Politics

Even the strongest Afghani brown can’t save Scottish junkies from the waking-nightmare that’s gripped them since December—when word first leaked out in the press of dope-fiends dropping dead from Anthrax-tainted heroin. Since December, press reports say there have been 14…

Jan 20, 2010 | Comments (28)

MONKEYSHINES IN MONKEY COUNTY: Why Europeans Despise American Lawyers

My Uncle Louie always referred to Montgomery County, Maryland as “Monkey County”. I never knew why. Now that I am an attorney, I do. I’ve learned the hard way that there are too many smirking chimps in Monkey County’s legal system. In…

Jan 19, 2010 | Comments (18)

Retarded Last Meals For Texas' Death Row Inmates

Despite a 2002 Supreme Court ruling that executing the mentally retarded is unconstitutional, Texas has not stopped killing Gumps, according to this article in the Texas Observer.  Pretty much everything is present in this story to qualify Texas as institutionally…

Jan 17, 2010 | Comments (43)

How Cheap Solar Power Will Save the SUV

This article was first published by AlterNet. HESPERIA, CA—Say hello to the thing that could save our gas-guzzlin’ suburban lifestyle: affordable residential solar power that’s within reach of the most cash-strapped America consumer. This breakthrough is not a result of…

Jan 16, 2010 | Comments (26)


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Are Obama And Geithner The Twins From Hell?

This article was first published in Alternet. A lot of us have been wondering, despondently, why the Hell Barack Obama is keeping Timothy Geithner on the job as Treasury Secretary, given his central role in the plunder of trillions of…

Jan 15, 2010 | Comments (24)

Homage To Haiti: A War Nerd Classic

This article was first published in The eXile on February 19, 2004. Haiti popped into the news again, and I decided it was time to tell the whole military history of the place. It’s got to be the most amazing,…

Jan 13, 2010 | Comments (54)

The Dirt on The Simpsons

It’s fashionable to dismiss The Simpsons, to claim never to watch it anymore because its best days are long gone. It’s been fashionable to do this for ages. I remember when the show was about five years old and staggeringly…

Jan 11, 2010 | Comments (40)