What’s going on in Gaza now is pretty easy to understand if you think a little bit about the way military trends have been going in the past century-but you also have to be willing to take a cold look…
Jan 6, 2009 | Comments (50)
What’s going on in Gaza now is pretty easy to understand if you think a little bit about the way military trends have been going in the past century-but you also have to be willing to take a cold look…
Jan 6, 2009 | Comments (50)
Drugs may be the major American story of our era, the thing that did more to alter behavior and law, that redistributed income to the poor far more dramatically than any tinkering with tax codes, that jailed more people and…
Jan 5, 2009 | Comments (31)
Reviewed: “A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity” by Bill O’ Reilly (Broadway, 2008). In this slight, self-indulgent memoir, Bill O’Reilly tells us how he got so “bold” and “fresh.” A humble man, he attributes his success to his own innate…
Dec 31, 2008 | Comments (11)
In celebration of the second printing of The eXile book, we’ve decided to start the painfully dull process of merging the vast and greatly disorganized eXile Canon into a complete and definitive collection, which will now officially be referred to…
Dec 24, 2008 | Comments (2)
Yea, the Lord has heard thine prayers, and He, in His infinite Sadism, has answered thee: back on sale, newly printed up, is the record of The eXile’s early beginnings. It’s The eXile: Sex, Drugs and Libel in the New…
Dec 23, 2008 | Comments (4)
Today’s question comes from a reader named Tom. Send in your own questions, concerns and worries to ask@exiledonline.com. Team eXiled is here to help. ***** Dear eXiled, I’m actually totally new to your site. I’ve been having this GILF obsession…
Dec 22, 2008 | Comments (3)
From the moment Georgia launched its invasion against the breakaway region of South Ossetia this past August, sparking a wider war with neighboring Russia, the New York Times‘s news coverage depicted Georgia as an innocent victim of Russia’s neo-imperialist evil….
Dec 22, 2008 | Comments (12)