By Mark Ames

Since news broke about the obscene million-dollar bonuses that taxpayers are paying to the very same AIG Financial Products traders who destroyed millions of lives, decent hard-working Americans have expressed their First Amendment rights and flooded AIG Financial’s offices with…
By John Dolan

Robert Creeley: Great Poet or One-Eyed Interspecies Plagiarist? Here are two pieces of twentieth-century verse. One has been called “…the most often quoted, even the most widely known, short poem” of the 1960s; the other is from a long-forgotten collection…
By Eileen Jones

This is a vengeful slagging of previews I’ve seen at least ten-thousand times, maybe through bad luck, bad timing, bad karma, it’s hard to say. They’re all for movies opening March 20th. Except for The Soloist, which may never open,…
By Mark Ames

Mega-Statue Of Chicken Plutocrat Lonnie “Bo” Pilgrim The killing spree in Alabama fits a well-worn pattern of workplace-driven massacres that we’ve seen since the “going postal” phenomenon exploded in the middle of the Reagan revolution. In spite of the fact…
By John Dolan

“It is not their love for us but their lack of faith that prevents today’s Christians from burning us.” —Nietzsche For sheer gloating pleasure, you can’t beat the lunkheads on Free Republic trying to deal with the news that Palin’s…
By Mr. Walker

One of the things Wall Street does best is confuse people. They are brilliant at it, making simple things seem complex. So today we’re going to go over one of the things they’re trying to make obscure and make them…
By Mark Ames

Whenever I hear about a rampage massacre like the one that just took place in southern Alabama a few hours ago, so far leaving 11 dead and untold wounded (casualty numbers seem to tick up every hour), the first thing…