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All Articles: Page 125
Watching Them Squirm: Fox News Abandons the Mob It Created

The first polls had just closed when the Republican Right’s “Agony of Defeat” moment arrived. It was just after 8 p.m. — right as Fox’s “America’s Election HQ” show returned from a commercial break, and Brit Hume welcomed viewers back…

Nov 8, 2008 | Comments (7)

Election ‘08 Appears to Have Actually Happened

Mass psychosis? So by now you’ve probably heard something about this election that happened on Tuesday. There seemed to be a whole hoo-ha about it, people hugging and high-fiving in the streets, international rejoicing, everybody laughing and crying and gibbering….

Nov 7, 2008 | Leave Comment

About Us

Mark Ames is the founding editor of The eXile and co-editor of The eXiled. His articles have appeared in The Nation, Playboy, Daily Beast, Alternet, Radar, The New York Press, and elsewhere. He is the author of“Going Postal: Rage, Murder…

Nov 5, 2008 | Leave Comment

Daily Inquisition: Mike Williams

Today’s Defendant: Mike Williams, resident of Douglas, Arizona Statement from the Grand Inquisitor: Hard-working people all across Mexico are busting their asses for American consumers. No, we are not talking about the migrant workers cleaning your dishes, picking your grapes…

Nov 4, 2008 | Comments (2)


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Daily Inquisition: Twitter Twats

Today’s Defendant: Twitter Twats Statement of the Grand Inquisitor: When you join Twitter you become able to communicate in short bursts of information with many people from your mobile phone or computer. Your phone becomes a vibrating message-whore, hemorrhaging useless…

Nov 4, 2008 | Comments Off on Daily Inquisition: Twitter Twats

Daily Inquisition: Kevin the Undecided Veuter

Statement of the Grand Inquisitor: With one day left before the election, CNN chose as its microcosm of America-at-da-crossroads one Kevin Sheen, a whey-faced Irish-American idiot from the Midwest, who coyly offers his quandriness as an “undecided” voter.

Nov 3, 2008 | Comments Off on Daily Inquisition: Kevin the Undecided Veuter

FILM PREVIEW: Holiday Movie Mess

Here’s a friendly warning for you: don’t count on the movies to get you through the holidays, any more than they got you through the Wall Street seizures or this gut-wrencher of an election. As bad as the movies have…

Nov 3, 2008 | Comments (1)