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All Articles: Page 24
Max Blumenthal: Progressive Democratic hero Elizabeth Warren enlists to serve AIPAC's pro-war agenda

The national security/foreign policy position page on Warren’s campaign website reads as though it was cobbled together from AIPAC memos and the website of the Israeli Foreign Ministry by the Democratic Party hacks who are advising her. It is pure boilerplate that suggests she knows about as much about the Middle East as Herman “Uzbeki-beki-stan-stan” Cain, and that she doesn’t care.

Feb 29, 2012 | Comments (33)

Why Is Ron Paul's SuperPAC Headquartered In Mitt Romney's Backyard?

But if the hacks ever do get around to following the money, they would very quickly stumble across one of the biggest WTF factoids of this primary season: Ron Paul’s SuperPAC, “Endorse Liberty,” is headquartered in Mitt Romney’s backyard: Salt Lake City, Utah.

Feb 29, 2012 | Comments (32)

AssKisser-Gate: Heartland Institute Founder David Padden Grovels For Master Charles Koch

I came across this hilarious groveling quote from Heartland founder David Padden about his all-knowing Master and Dear Leader, Charles Koch:

“I would never attempt to second-guess whatever he’s doing in the interest of making this a free country…”

Feb 28, 2012 | Comments (17)

Is A Politically Ambitious New York Lawyer Trying To Turn #OWS Into The Tea Party Express?

Occupy Wall Street activists have good reason to be pissed off at Michael Pollok, the New York attorney trying to organize a national Occupy convention in Philadelphia this coming July 4th. A quick look into Michael Pollok’s past points to yet another cynical political opportunist glomming onto the Occupy movement.

Feb 28, 2012 | Comments (36)


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Ron Paul's "Super PAC" Sugar Daddy: Builds Toys For The CIA, Spies On U.S. Citizens, Opposes Democracy & Women's Suffrage

This article was first published at If there’s one thing that distinguishes Ron Paul from the rest of the GOP field, it’s his principled stand against American empire and his ardent defense of individual liberties. [1] Paul’s opposition to wars, bloated…

Feb 23, 2012 | Comments (49)

The Occupy Super PAC Non-Story: How Lazy Hacks Helped Breitbart Smear the Occupy Movement

Last week, several news organizations carried a story about an alleged Occupy PAC that, if true, would have driven another stake of political cynicism in the heart of the fractured movement, built on idealism and opposition to the corruption of…

Feb 22, 2012 | Comments (27)

eXile Classic: A Hero of Our Time Hunter S. Thompson 1937-2005

You wouldn’t have guessed he’d shoot himself, but it made sense after the fact. He always meant what he said and did, and he always had the guns around. It was right that he used one to blow his brains out.

I can’t remember the last time a celebrity death made me sad like this.

Feb 18, 2012 | Comments (66)