Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America


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All Articles: Page 27
The Fed, Paul Krugman & The Economic Bullshit Artistry In Election Year 2012

So, who you gonna believe, a Nobel Lauraete, taking on his election year hack role as a Democrat, or your lying eyes, looking at miles and miles of abandoned manufacturing areas across the midwest and northeast, and shuttered main streets across the country where Wal-Mart, packed with Chinese manufactures monopolizing a good chunk of “personal consumption” in those communities?

Jan 18, 2012 | Comments (62)

Great Moments In Libertarian History: NAMBLA Spokesman Declares Himself "Libertarian"

Browsing through some old copies of the late, great Spy magazine, I found this interview with the former spokesman for the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), Joe Powers, in which he declares himself a Libertarian. Here’s the article spread,…

Jan 18, 2012 | Comments (36)

The Problem With Matthew Yglesias

Earlier this week, I got into a little Twitter battle with Matthew Yglesias after the prominent blogger tweeted out “”EXCLUSIVE: The activities of individual business executives have no relationship to the level of economy-wide employment.”

Jan 17, 2012 | Comments (32)

The Scum Also Rises: Joshua Foust & Friends Smear Crusading Lesbian Russian Reporter Elena Kostyuchenko As "Dumb Hag", "Rumor-Monger"...Foust's Boss Works For Chevron...

So it’s back to the depressing topic of Atlantic Monthly blogger and paid PR flak for defense contractors, Joshua Foust–something I’d rather avoid, but the scumbags won’t let me. Foust and his minions have managed the impossible–they’ve outdone themselves in…

Jan 16, 2012 | Comments (35)


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River's Edge Redux: Interview With Jared Lee Loughner's Tucson Friends

A year ago this week, a 22-year old Army reject with a shaved head and a 9mm opened rapid-fire on a Congressional meet-and-greet outside a Tucson shopping mall, killing six and wounding 14, including a non-fatal headshot against Democratic Rep….

Jan 10, 2012 | Comments (65)

My First "Occupy LA" Arraignment Hearing: Los Angeles Stalls Legal Action Against Arrested Occupy LA Protesters...(Updated)

Last Thursday I got up at 7:00 a.m. and drove NASCAR-style to make it in time to my arraignment hearing at the Central Arraignment Court in sunny downtown Los Angeles 8:30 a.m.–only to find out that I’d wasted my time….

Jan 10, 2012 | Comments (24)

Papua New Guinea Through The Eye Of A Pig

MT HAGEN, PAPUA NEW GUINEA — I’ve been spending this past month in the Papuan Highlands, in a paranoid little town called Mt. Hagen. My motel’s pretty typical for New Guinea: there’s a huge, corrugated-iron wall around the perimeter with…

Jan 6, 2012 | Comments (34)