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All Articles: Page 71
A Memorial Day War Nerd: Gettysburg Was The Finest Fight Ever In The World

When the fourth of July rolls around, you’re supposed to think of, I don’t know, the Constitution and backyard cookouts like in old Chevy ads—but for me, it’s really Gettysburg we’re celebrating. Greatest battle in American history. But the battle,…

May 30, 2010 | Comments (34)

Is Rand Paul Just Another Neocon Republicrat Masquerading As A Libertarian Rebel?

This article first appeared in “When it is said that nothing, including a nuclear strike, is off the table on Iran, are those who say it not also threatening genocide?” – Rep. Ron Paul, May 22, 2007 “I don’t think…

May 25, 2010 | Comments (49)

Facebook Friends: God Died to Get Away From Us

Maybe somebody could explain Facebook to me. I’m on it and I still don’t get it. I hate it without understanding it, like a dog barking at a vacuum cleaner. Facebook’s in the news for violating people’s privacy and selling…

May 23, 2010 | Comments (67)

Top Billionaire Hedge Funder Sees Himself As a Hyena Devouring Wildebeests

This article first appeared in Alternet. Ray Dalio is a billionaire hedge fund manager who makes more money in a single day than most Americans will earn in their entire lifetimes. That’s because hedge funds are the top of the…

May 22, 2010 | Comments (62)


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How PG&E Plans To Screw The Golden State By Enshrining Its Corporate Energy Monopoly In the California Constitution

First published on Alternet Welcome to Gilded Age 2.0, a time when government has become an appendage to the super-rich, used by industrialists, financiers and corporate robber barons to monopolize the economy and strip regular citizens of power and money….

May 18, 2010 | Comments (24)

The Crying Conservative: How Glenn Beck Taught His Feminine Side To Turn Tricks

The following is an adapted excerpt from Alexander Zaitchik’s book, Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance, just released by Wiley & Sons. Every July 4, Glenn Beck emcees the Stadium of Fire celebration in Provo, Utah. The…

May 14, 2010 | Comments (36)

Iron Man 2: Everything Money Can Buy

Iron Man 2 is such a huge hit, it’s clear everybody’s going to see it regardless of critical praise or condemnation. Each of us can—or will soon be able to—fulminate about why it’s good, bad, or meh. We don’t need…

May 10, 2010 | Comments (43)