We’re not sure if this is a photo shoot for a real gymnastics team or a tryout for some sort of jailbait gymnasts’ fetish site. Whatever it is, we look at these tyolkas and cannot help but think: “With ruble devaluation just around the corner, there has never been a better time than now to invest in Russia.”
Posted: December 12th, 2008

Russian companies know that sex sells. They also have a ridiculous amount of hot chicks working in them. Putting tyolka and tyolka together, they had a light bulb marketing moment: “Let us not imprison our talent in offices and simply waste it on paper pushing (and the occasional extra-marital blow job). Let us be proud and show them off to the world.” The girls couldn’t be more pleased. In fact, everyone was pleased. And that’s the story of how every Russian company got to have their own “Girls of [Insert Company Name Here]” calendar series.
Today’s Russian Calendar Girl Collection comes from Corbina Telecom, a medium-sized Internet provider. This calender is a bit trashier than the previous two. But hey, who’s complaining. (more…)
Posted: December 9th, 2008

Worried? We can help.
Our technical Web team has recently brought to our attention that our Web site is increasingly being hit with search queries written in the form of a question. Some are anthropological: “What does the people look like in Mauritius?” (more…)
Posted: December 8th, 2008

Ho ho he-ro-in!
Posted: December 5th, 2008
Posted: December 4th, 2008

Any list of books that need burning should start with Gatsby, or as it should be known, the Tragic Story of Tracey Flick, by Tracey Flick. The great film Election is actually the prequel to Gatsby, and like many a prequel it is far wiser than the hit sequel in portraying the real nature of rags-to-riches protagonists like the “eponymous” (that word is required for all American book reviews) Gatsby: shrill, driven, rote-minded drama queens. (more…)
Posted: December 4th, 2008