It’s a rinkydink little toy plane with no ordnance capacity or range, so it can’t do much to kill the enemy. But it sure has killed a lot of pilots.
Mar 28, 2011 | Comments (47)
It’s a rinkydink little toy plane with no ordnance capacity or range, so it can’t do much to kill the enemy. But it sure has killed a lot of pilots.
Mar 28, 2011 | Comments (47)
It’s a weird device that supposedly boosts intelligence by shutting off part of the brain. And this might seem like good news, if the “thinking cap” project didn’t have Rupert Murdoch’s grubby fingerprints all over it.
Mar 28, 2011 | Comments (10)
Sunday, the day the Lord appointed for revenge. And who better to practice on than the Luzer who reviewed my book back in 2008?
Mar 27, 2011 | Comments (62)
My first Saturday blog. I promised seven days a week and I’ll deliver. To be honest “giving up my weekend” is not as much of a sacrifice as people seem to think.
Mar 26, 2011 | Comments (53)
This is what it must be like to go to a stage play and wait around between scenes while they wheel the props off and drag in the new ones. The next act is coming up, and it’s pretty clear what it’s going to be: PR war, tribal deal-making war.
Mar 25, 2011 | Comments (35)
So, Elizabeth Taylor’s dead, you might’ve heard! They planted her yesterday. Thank God that’s over. There are a lot of tributes out there, praising her to the skies. What a fabulous broad, the Last Great Star, and all that…
Mar 25, 2011 | Comments (32)
Data pulled from publicly-accessible federal contract databases shows that over the past 15 years, the Kochs have milked the U.S. war machine for about $170 million, all while funding libertarian groups, organizations and media outfits with anti-war positions.
Mar 25, 2011 | Comments (17)