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All Articles: Page 114
Cheney Borrows Wheelchair Trick From Casino's Remo Gaggi

If you’ve lived in Russia, you know that just before anyone big gets charged with corruption or other high crimes, they always have a way of suffering conveniently-timed heart attacks and winding up in the hospital before the heat arrives…

Jan 20, 2009 | Comments (17)

Park Your Ship Here: Ukrainian Calendar Girls

Today’s calendar girl collection, newly minted for 2009, comes courtesy of Kerch Yard, a Ukrainian shipyard in the Eastern Crimean town of Kerch. According to our sources, “kerch” comes from an Old East Slavic word for “throat,” and the town’s…

Jan 20, 2009 | Comments (9)

War Nerd: Abba, Civil War Songs—Anything But Gaza

I’ll talk about Gaza tomorrow, but I’ve got the day off and it’s not my idea of a good time. For now I’ll just say it turned out exactly like I said it would, but blecch, it’s not my idea…

Jan 19, 2009 | Comments (51)

BOOK REVIEW: Snark, and Why We're For It

Maureen Dowd: queen of snark? The burning issue in David Denby’s new book, Snark: It’s Mean, It’s Personal, and It’s Ruining Our Conversation, is that these days we’re all too snarky, and it’s imperiling Western Civilization. First, of course, he…

Jan 16, 2009 | Comments (17)


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Privilege On The Hudson: First Class Gets Comfy Rafts, Peasant Class Forced Onto The Wings

Has anyone noticed the ugly reality captured in the so-called “Miracle on the Hudson”? One of the first photos shows that first class passengers were offered first-class rafts to ensure that they’d survive in comfort, while the economy class passengers…

Jan 16, 2009 | Comments (41)

Das Boot: The Unsinkable Career Of America's Leading Twerpo-Imperialist

The real mystery of our age is this: why do all the media warmongers still have jobs, after the way they goaded us into the epic disaster we’ve found ourselves in? Back in 2001, when a panicked America foolishly handed…

Jan 14, 2009 | Comments (29)

The eXile Classics Update: Four More Issues Posted!

As per our promise, we just posted four more eXile issues from way back when. Check ’em out below or go to the eXile Classics pages for a up-to-date listing. We’ll be updating it weekly. *** Issue #4, April 1,…

Jan 13, 2009 | Comments (4)