By Team eXiled

In New York, on Friday, April 3, a man burst into a community center and started shooting, killing 15 people before blowing his own brains out. The gunman, 41-year-old Jiverly Voong, was instantly branded as a maniac by the media: an…
By Joe Dodson

It has taken a long time to write what will amount to about twenty words and a screenshot of Chun Li’s panties (so click all the pages! You never know which page might have one!). But there isn’t much to…
By Gary Brecher

(Editor’s Note: Since this article was published yesterday for subscribers, Mr. Brecher has published a big follow-up which we post below after this article.) I’ve been saying for a long time that aircraft carriers are just history’s most expensive floating…
By Mark Ames

(This article was first published last week on America is now in a state of bloodlust, following the shocking realization that there are bad people at the top of our economic food chain. We knew there were some bad…
By Pancho Montana

Here’s an entertaining/instructional cellphone video that shows one of the Zetas’ more preferred torture methods in action. It is called the tablazo. I wrote about it a few months back: It comes from the word “tabla,” or “board.” The kidnappers…
By Eileen Jones

We’re monitoring the development of theatrical 3-D, which is supposed to revolutionize the cinematic experience as we know it. It’s currently being tested out in animated films like Monsters vs. Aliens and Coraline, and is soon to be unleashed in…
By Rick Rucker

Amazon, Ebay and Britain all just banned the Japanese rape simulator Rapelay. Politicians and other preening crusading blowhards publicly decried it, thereby popularizing it. After .07 seconds of investigation, I found the game and had it running in an hour….