By Mark Ames

In the early 2000’s, the co-chairman of the Cato Institute’s Project on Social Security Privatization, José Piñera, played a key role advising and overseeing Slovakia’s mass pension privatization, which passed in 2003 under the free-market government of Mikulas Dzurinda. Today, Slovakia’s retirees are groaning under the austerity pain administered to them by the Cato Institute.
By Kostas Kallergis

The co-ruling PASOK party had its national conference today. Its goal is to elect the new party leader who will succeed George Papandreou and will lead the Socialists in the coming elections. The candidates are Christos Papoutsis and Evangelos Venizelos. At some point, an old man approached Venizelos, complained about the cuts in his pension and then threw him a yogurt…
By Eileen Jones

If you’re a woman—and if you’re reading eXiled you’re probably not—but let’s say you are for the sake of argument—if you’re a woman, life’s already tough enough without the Rush Limbaugh Slutgate saturation media orgy, and right-wing political threats to…
By Gary Brecher

This article is a War Nerd Classic Christians are stone killers. You put a Christian and a lion in an arena and I’ll bet Toyotas to Subarus the Christian’ll have the lion for lunch. Just look around you: lions are…
By Yves Smith

This article is cross-posted from Naked Capitalism… There is so much crookedeness among our elites that it’s hard to know, absent more systematic study, whether Harvard is playing a leading role in this decline. However, the glaring gap between Harvard…
By Yasha Levine

I travelled to Breitbart’s hood to carry out a private investigation into what happened that fateful night …and found a grisly, blood-splattered crime scene just a block away from his home.
By Mark Ames

Last autumn, Andrew Breitbart picked a fight with me. Now Andrew Breitbart is dead. Gee, whod’ya think won that little war?