Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America


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All Articles: Page 121
Notes by a Professional Video Games Reviewer: Playing Disney's Bolt

Editor’s note: This professional video game reviewer works in a cubicle labyrinth at one of the biggest video game magazines in the world. He is forced to review video games nine hours a day, five days a week. This is…

Dec 4, 2008 | Comments (18)

Why You Should Burn Your Copy of the Great Gatsby

Any list of books that need burning should start with Gatsby, or as it should be known, the Tragic Story of Tracey Flick, by Tracey Flick. The great film Election is actually the prequel to Gatsby, and like many a…

Dec 4, 2008 | Comments (24)

Great Depression Gloat #1: Goodbye Golf!

Who says that the New Great Depression is depressing? If you’ve always been monetarily-challenged like we have, there’s a lot to cheer. Because just as they lied to us about how Reaganomics’ trickle-down effect would make us all rich-ish in…

Dec 3, 2008 | Comments (10)

Hudson Murderer Confesses: "I Had A Bad Hair Day"

Seriously, if you looked like this dude–as if Doctor J’s afro wig was taped backwards on top of your receding hairline for heightened comic effect

Dec 2, 2008 | Comments (5)


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Tyolka Tuesday: Russian Calendar Girl Collection Vol. 2

This is part two of our ongoing Russian Calendar Girl series, in which we showcase hot Russian office workers featured in their companies’ souvenir calendars.

Dec 2, 2008 | Comments (15)

War Nerd Gloat: My Pir-rate Boyeeez Takin' My Tips!

Well, now we know my pals the Somali pirates are loyal War Nerd readers. At the end of my column saluting them for taking on a supertanker, I suggested they go for a cruise ship next:

Dec 1, 2008 | Comments (62)

Why Drug Addiction Isn't That Bad

The real junk is inside National Geographic Tomorrow evening, the National Geographic Channel is going to hit cable viewers with a huge dose of drug propaganda cloaked as investigative reporting in a three-part special that will look at Heroin, Meth…

Dec 1, 2008 | Comments (34)