Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America


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All Articles: Page 41
Teabagger Dundee: America Exports Libertarian Revolution To Australia

After two years of preparation, Australian Teabaggers are finally out in force and they look positively gruesome over here, though they’ll look familiar to American readers. Climate-denying factory farmers? Check. Friends of convicted child-killers? Got em. A Pinochet-style fascist who wants to “inflict maximum pain” on the Australian economy by causing artificial famines? Yes, Sir! – ¡VIVA EL GENERALISSIMO!

Aug 18, 2011 | Comments (28)

War Nerd: What’s Holdin’ You Up, Muammar?

I’m back, thanks to the don’t-call-it-a-depression. Thanks to this brief correction in the US economy, then. My new job lasted three months. I did all the right things, too, even smiled. Didn’t matter. I was the last hired, and you…

Aug 17, 2011 | Comments (78)

Failure to Launch: Helping James O’Keefe Leave His Mommy And Daddy's House For Once In His Life

Last month, the New York Times magazine published a fluffer-friendly profile of James O’Keefe, the rightwing activist who specializes in bashing the poor and the vulnerable with a series of “pranks” against organizations like Medicaid and ACORN. One of the…

Aug 16, 2011 | Comments (23)

From Russia With Shame: Mark Ames Responds To Vladimir Putin's Latest Smackdown On MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show

Update: You MUST watch today’s Ratigan performance. If we’re not going to riot against all this crap like the rest of the world is doing, Ratigan will riot for us. [Video below] Exiled Online editor Mark Ames went on MSNBC’s Dylan…

Aug 9, 2011 | Comments (38)


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Malcolm Gladwell: Tobacco Industry Shill?

Malcolm Gladwell has described himself as a “conversation starter” who likes to “ask questions.” Well, here’s a question for Malcolm Gladwell: When you wrote all those pro-tobacco articles and the tobacco industry executives sang your praises, were they paying you to be their shill? Or did you just volunteer to write tobacco-friendly propaganda, out of a sincere belief in the righteousness of their cause?

Aug 8, 2011 | Comments (48)

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Hail Caesar

First, ask yourself the question, do you want to see a movie in which apes revolt against humanity? If the answer’s No, ask yourself these follow-up questions: 1) Why the hell not?, and 2) What’s WRONG with you?

Aug 7, 2011 | Comments (46)

Cowboys and Aliens: Just Look at the Gorgeous Animals

Cowboys and Aliens is a big mess, sure, but I don’t know what everybody’s screaming about, it’s still better than most of the other maggoty offal they’ve been serving at the multiplex all year long. Apparently critics exhausted themselves praising…

Jul 31, 2011 | Comments (23)