The CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association looks every bit as freakishly alien as his job description. At least this confirms something we at Exiled Online always believed: no human being–or any placental mammal for that matter–could possibly devote its life worming its way up to the top slot in a boring, sleazy trade association like the MBA, whose product was at the center of the global meltdown. Nope, only a prawn could manage something that horrible. (more…)
Posted: September 1st, 2009
So I finally saw Inglourious Basterds the other night. I’ll admit, I was more than ready to avoid Tarantino’s new film, even after reading Eileen’s enticing review. The film sounded wrong on every level–what could possibly be good about another World War 2 movie that capitalizes on the Holocaust and evil Nazis?
But I was wrong–Inglourious Basterds is everything a great movie should be: fun, wild, surprising, violent, sexy, challenging. Moreover, it’s a brave movie in ways most idiots don’t get. That’s because Inglourious Basterds is, above all, a gorgeous tribute to the European Race when Europeans still had a pulse–and fangs. (more…)
Posted: August 30th, 2009
Here’s a gnarly little story out of Russia I just stumbled across on This death porn tale comes from a town in the Urals named “Snezhinsk,” which means something like “Snowville.” It’s one of Russia’s last “closed cities,” where Putin’s top-secret nuclear programs are developed. All that plutonium must be heating up the local mens’ blood, because a few days ago, a pair of cops detained a 17-year-old boy, crushed his skull with a blunt object, dumped his body in a nearby forest and riddled the corpse with bullets for good measure. That was August 24th. (more…)
Posted: August 28th, 2009
Last week evil health care grinchess Betsy McCaughey made headlines after her appearance on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show, when her human shell peeled off Men-In-Black-like, and her inner predatory alien-bug was revealed to the public. Now even the Atlantic is squealing “Oh my god, how could we have known?!” Folks, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Six months ago I wrote that Betsy McCaughey is a paid mass-murderer of Americans, a plutocrat’s mercenary ready to snuff you in your own homes if that’s what it took to ensure her billionaire health care sponsors could buy another private jet or another Aspen home. Here’s what I wrote six months ago: (more…)
Posted: August 26th, 2009
The best way to understand Larry Summers, the man who’s shaping America’s economy from his director’s chair at the National Economic Council, is to meet the people he hangs out with. Once you get to know Larry Summers’ crowd, nothing he does–no matter how twisted (like Larry’s suggestion to move all First World toxic waste to Africa) or deranged (Larry’s theory that women can’t do math)– will surprise you. Whereas the famous “Six Degrees Of Separation” gives the false impression that it’s a small world and we all pretty much know each other, this “One Degree of Separation” will prove how totally alien Larry Summers and his crowd really are from the rest of us.
I’d like to kick this series off with India’s top oligarch, Mukesh Ambani, the only foreign boss who paid Summers to work for him in 2008–and by “work,” I mean “you agree to be listed on my board of international advisors, which requires nothing from you, and in return I’ll give you $187,000.” Two years ago, Larry’s ex-boss Mukesh was the World’s Richest Man, worth $63.2 billion–but since the meltdown, the Reliance Industry chief’s wealth has fallen to a mere $19.5 billion, dropping him to #7 of Forbes’ list. (more…)
Posted: August 24th, 2009
News Flash! Five months after Yasha Levine and I broke the story linking the rightwing billionaire-PR nexus between FreedomWorks, the Koch family, CNBC, Eric Odom and the Tea Party movement, the Washington Post finally caught up with us. In an article in today’s Sunday edition, the WaPo repeats our allegation that billionaires are posing as “grassroots” groups to oppose anything that isn’t in the billionaires’ interests, including health care reform and mortgage relief for homeowners: (more…)
Posted: August 16th, 2009
Matthew Vadum, the rightwing butterball savaged in The Daily Show last year for race-baiting, doesn’t like me very much. But he ain’t the type who keeps it to himself. Nuh-uh. America’s favorite little waffendwarf read my last post about him, and fired back an email that can only be described as “Chihuahua-esque” in its yapping-factor. Behold:
Posted: August 13th, 2009