Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America


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All Articles: Page 4
Russia Blog, Day 1: The Strange Activist Who "Provoked" Chechnya's Anti-Gay Crackdown

Now here is where Novaya Gazeta’s story diverges widely from the New York Times’ version (and the rest of the western media’s). See, you can’t really bring up Nikolai Alekseyev’s name in a story like this without bringing up his very weird, ugly politics—which includes a lot of unhinged anti-Semitism and a long fruitful relationship with Russia’s xenophobic ultranationalist right-wing party.

Apr 23, 2017 | Comments (8)

The Great Gazoo Advises Trump: "Bomb Syria, Dumb-Dumb!"

There’s only one world-famous advisor who gives advice as catastrophically stupid as this: The Great Gazoo…

Apr 12, 2017 | Comments (3)

The War Nerd: A Response to Neocon Hit-Man Roy Gutman

I’ve responded to the article in several Facebook posts, but this is important enough to deserve a more formal response. So here it is.

Gutman’s article is a shoddy, dishonest mess, but it will be effective, because the Nation has a better rep than the author’s usual venue, The Daily Beast. So Gutman’s smear will stick, eroding support for the YPG/J, the one heroic faction in the miserable Syrian War…

Mar 10, 2017 | Comments (8)


After reviewing so many well-meaning, badly-written books, it’s a pleasure to dissect the work of a skilled liar. The liar in question is Leon Aron, the book is Yeltsin: A Revolutionary Life…

Jul 12, 2016 | Comments (9)


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Tor military contractors try to shut down Yasha Levine's reporting

It’s just past Christmas here in Germany and and headed to Hamburg to report on 32c3, the annual Chaos Computer Club conference. And I gotta admit, I’m a bit unnerved.

Dec 27, 2015 | Comments (4)

Pulling the Trigger: School Privatization in California's Subprime Suburbs

When I first started reporting on the subprime suburb of Victorville, I little expected that the neighboring town of Adelanto would become ground zero for a fight between billionaires on one side and poor kids on the other.

Dec 5, 2015 | Comments Off on Pulling the Trigger: School Privatization in California’s Subprime Suburbs

Radio War Nerd Special Episode: Paris Terror Attacks

The War Nerd and host Mark Ames recorded a special free episode of Radio War Nerd, their subscriber-supported podcast show, to cover the recent Paris attacks.

Nov 16, 2015 | Comments (2)