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All Articles: Page 40
Obama Picks Larry Summers' Favorite Tennis Partner As His New Economic Chief

Great news about Obama’s new pick to head the CEA, Alan Krueger, the so-called “labor economist.” Yeah, he labors all right: He labors hard to be Larry Summers’ tennis partner. And believe you me, being Larry Summers’ tennis partner is like…

Aug 29, 2011 | Comments (27)

The War Nerd: So Who Killed Younes?

The truth is, it was no surprise Younes got shot. He was an old Qaddafi enforcer who’d made a lot of enemies, and he did one of the most dangerous things a general can do: Change sides in the middle of a civil war.

Aug 28, 2011 | Comments (40)

Burke & Hare: Where Ealing Comedies Went to Die, Again

There’s a British movie directed by John Landis called Burke and Hare coming out soon in America that’s pretty terrible. September 9th it comes out, and it’ll sink without a ripple. Even the publicity images are so lame, they seem…

Aug 27, 2011 | Comments (24)

The War Nerd: Libya: The Berb-Burb Alliance

Well, that was a quick takedown. One of the strange things about Libya was the pacing. It needed a good editor, because it started fast, then bogged down, and then just when everybody’d given up and gone to get some caramel corn, the credits started rolling.

Aug 23, 2011 | Comments (89)


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Fright Night, Or An Evening With Colin Farrell

  Fright Night is a nice little genre film. I was pleasantly surprised. It’s getting pretty good reviews, but you know how you can’t believe those people. You have to go see for yourself. So I did, and sure enough,…

Aug 20, 2011 | Comments (9)

The War Nerd Vs. Darrell Issa's Goldman Sachs Staffer: A Brief History Of Hungarian Fascism Made Simple For Lying Scum

Rep. Darrell Issa got busted hiring a Goldman Sachs VP, Peter Simonyi/Heller, who changed his last name to hide his Goldman Sachs past in favor of his fascist Hungarian grandfather’s past…The War Nerd explains why Simonyi should be much more embarrassed about Grandpa Heller…

Aug 19, 2011 | Comments (97)

Serfin' USA! Teenaged Russkies Duped Into Taking Low-Wage Summer Jobs From American Minorities

The New York Times finally got around to writing about exploitation of East European student-labor by US corporations–8 years after The eXile’s Jake Rudnitsky went under deep cover with a bunch of Russian and Ukrainian teenaged serfs working in Pennsylvania. Here is The eXile’s original article…

Aug 19, 2011 | Comments (22)